8BITCONV If on, 8th bit used in CONVERS mode AX25L2V2 If on, AX25 - TopicsExpress


8BITCONV If on, 8th bit used in CONVERS mode AX25L2V2 If on, AX25 version 2 protocol used ABAUD RS232 terminal baud rate AUTOLF LF sent to terminal after CR AXDELAY Time added to TXDELAY for repeaters (10 msec) AXHANG Hang time of repeater to inhibit AXDELAY (10 msec) BEACON [{EVERY | AFTER}] time (1 min) BKONDEL If on, DELETE will backspace; else \ BLT n EVERY|AFTER hh:mm:ss [START hh:mm:ss] BREAK If on, a modem break will cause return to command mode BTEXT Text sent to BEACON in UI packet BUDLIST [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}call | call,call,...] where call={callsign | {}callsign | callsign{>|}callsign} If on, only these stations are monitored CONNECT callsign [via calls] can be used to reconnect with different path CANLINE Char used to cancel a partial line CANPAC Toggle char use to send output from TNC to bit bucket CALIBRAT immediate command to enter calibration mode CD {INTERNAL | EXTERNAL | SOFTWARE} carrier detect CHECK No activity time before protocol checks on link (10 sec) CMDTIME Timing spec to get out of transparent mode (sec) CMSG {ON | OFF | DISC | PBBS} COMMAND Char used to return to command mode CONLIST [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}callsign | callsign,callsign,..] If on, only responds to stations in list CONMODE {CONVERS | TRANS} CONOK Enables connections to MYCALL CONPERM Forces connection on present stream to be permanent CONVERS Enter conversational mode CPACTIME Enables PACTIME use in conversational mode CR SENDPAC char appended to packets formed by SENDPAC CRSUP If on, removes every other consecutive CR received CSTAMP Time stamp connects and disconnects CTEXT Text sent first to someone else connecting to MYCALL CWID [{EVERY | AFTER}] time (1 min) CWIDTEXT Text sent during CW IDs DISCONNE Disconnect current stream DAYTIME yymmddhhmmss DAYTWEAK Fine tune software 24hr clk DAYSTR time format DAMA DAMA Slave protocol used when on and connected to DAMA Master DAMACHCK No activity time before protocol checks on DAMA link (10 sec) DBLDISC Forces a true disconnect sequence after DISC while awaiting connect DELETE Char used to delete last char in line DIGIPEAT Allows digipeating through MYCALL DISPLAY {ASYNC | CHAR | GPS | ID | LINK | MONITOR | PBBS | TIMING} DWAIT Time to allow digipeaters first acces to channel (10 msec) ECHO Characters from terminal are echoed back ESCAPE If on, received ESCAPE characters printed as $ FLOW TNC will not send data to terminal until input line complete FILTER If on, removes most control codes from received packets FRACK Time to wait for ack to packets (FRACK*(2*d+1) sec) FULLDUP {OFF | LOOPBACK | ON} Allows transmitting while receiving GPSHEAD n string GPSINIT Initial text sent to terminal in GPS mode HELP For further help read your manual HBAUD {300 | 400 | 600 | 1200} baud using Bell 202 tones HEADERLN If on, prints a CR between monitored header and data HID Auto ID every 9.5 min if TNC is digipeating HTEXT Hier info ID Forces an ID packet INTFACE {TERMINAL | NEWUSER | BBS | KISS | XKISS | HOST | GPS | MODEM} K Same as CONVERS KNTIMER KNODE idle timer (1 min) LEDS Enables front panel LEDS LCOK If on, allows lower case characters to be sent to terminal LFADD LF char added to each CR char sent in packet LFSUP If on, received LFs are not printed LLIST [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}callsign | callsign,callsign,..] If on, stations listed are completely ignored LT n text WILL SET LTn TEXT LTP n path SETS PATH FOR UI TRANSMISSION OF LTn LTRACK n [LT1] [LT2] [LT3] [LT4] [SYSOP] [TIME] MONITOR Master switch for monitoring packets MALL If on, allows monitoring of connected data between other stations MAXFRAME Maximum number of unacknowledged I frames outstanding MAXUSERS Maximum number of connections allowed MBEACON If on, monitors packets addressed to BEACON and ID MCON If on, allows monitoring to continue while connected MCOM If on, monitors SABM (), DISC, DM, and UA frames MHEARD [LONG|SHORT|CLEAR] Display list of stations heard MHEADER If on, headers are printed for monitored packets MRESP If on, monitors RR, RNR, REJ frames MRPT If on, digipeater paths are displayed in header MSTAMP If on, monitored packets are time stamped MXMIT If on, transmitted packets are monitored MYCALL This stations callsign {call[-n]} MYALIAS Allows digipeating with alias callsign MYDROP KISS port address MYNODE Callsign used for KA-NODES MYPBBS Callsign used for access to personal mail box MYREMOTE Callsign allows access to remote control NDHEARD [LONG|SHORT|CLEAR] Display list of NODES heard NDWILD Allows connection to any ssid of MYNODE NEWMODE If on, returns to command mode when DISC received on current stream NOMODE If on, does not automatically change modes between CONV, TRANS, or CMD NTEXT Text sent to someone connecting to KA-NODE NUCR Number of nulls sent to terminal after CR NULF Number of nulls sent to terminal after LF NUMNODES Number of KA-NODE channels PACLEN Maximum size of data in I frame PACTIME [{EVERY | AFTER}] time (.1 sec) when to form packets in trans mode PARITY Function of 8th data bit between terminal and TNC PASS Char used to pass special characters as data PASSALL Allows packets with incorrect CRCs to be processed PBBS Amount of memory (1K increments) set aside for PBBS messages PBFORWRD [bbscall [vias]] [{EVERY|AFTER} n] starts auto forwarding PBHEADER Saves routing information in messages PBHOLD Incoming messages to PBBS are marked HOLD PBKILLFW Kill Personal and Traffic msgs after forwarding PBLIST [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}callsign | callsign,callsign,..] If on, PBBS considers list as family PBLO [{OLD | NEW}] [{FIXED | VARIABLE}] PBBS listing order PBPERSON Restricts PBBS messages addressed to MYCALL and MYPBBS PBREVERS Accepts messages after AutoForwarding PERSIST Probability of transmitting during slot time (0-255) PHEARD [CLEAR] Display list of PBBS users PID If on, allows monitoring of all packets regardless of PID PMODE CMD | CONVERS | TRANS KPC3 powers up in this mode PTEXT Initial text sent when someone connects to PBBS REDISPLA Char used to redisplay partial line RELINK Version 2 will try to reconnect after retrying out RESET Soft reset RESTORE DEFAULTS Parameters changed to factory defaults RETRY Number of retries before aborting RING 3 bells sent to terminal upon incoming connect RNRTIME TNC will disconnect after receiving RNRs for specified time (x10 sec) RPRINT Sends text to RS232 port RTEXT Text string used for remote authorization STATUS [LONG] Show status of streams SCREENL CR printed if none received after n characters SENDPAC Char used to form packets in convers mode SLOTTIME Time between successive tries of persistance algorithm (10 msec) START Char to restart output from TNC to terminal STOP Char to stop output from TNC to terminal STREAMSW Char used to change streams STREAMCA Show callsigns with stream switch STREAMEV Show stream switch with every packet SUPLIST [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}call | call,call,...] where call={callsign | {}callsign | callsign{>|}callsign} If on, stations in list are not monitored SWP Allows fine tuning of SOFTWARE CD TRANS Enter transparent mode TRACE Dump out received packets in hex TRFLOW If on, allows software flow control in TRANS receive mode TRIES Number of retries on current packet TXDELAY Time delay between PTT and radio data out (10 msec) TXFLOW If on, allows software flow control in TRANS transmit mode UNPROTO {call [via calls]} path for UI data frames UIDIGI [ON|OFF] [NONE | {+|-}callsign | callsign,callsign,..] If on, up to 4 digis enabled for UI frames with MYCALL replacement UIDWAIT If on, UIDIGIs, UIFLOOD, and UITRACE must wait for DWAIT and PERSIST UIFLOOD name[,n[,{ID|NOID}]] Up to 5 characters,0-255 UITRACE name[,n] Up to 5 characters, 0-255 USERS Specifies streams to be used by incoming connects VERSION Displays software version number WEFAX Enter WEFAX mode with a specified sample frequency XFLOW Master switch for software flow control XKCHKSUM If on, Extended KISS uses a checksum XKPOLLED If on, TNC must be polled in Extended KISS XMITOK If on, allows TNC to key transmitter XOFF Char to stop input from terminal to TNC XON Char to restart input from terminal to TNC
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:29:18 +0000

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