8Likes.. A - Available: B- Birthday: C- Crushing On: D- Drink - TopicsExpress


8Likes.. A - Available: B- Birthday: C- Crushing On: D- Drink you last had: E- Easiest person to talk to: F- Favorite song: G- Grossest memory: H - Hometown: I- In love with: J- Jealous of: K- Killed someone: L- Longest relationship: M- Middle Name: N- Number of siblings: O- One wish: P- Person who called you last: Q- Question you’re always asked : R- Reason to smile: S- Song you last sang: T- Time you woke up: U- Unique thing: V- Violent moment you had: W-Worst habit: X- Xrays you had: Y- Your siblings name: Z- Zodiac sign:
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 02:44:14 +0000

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