8th Global Divine Healing Hands, Mumbai Participant Shares his - TopicsExpress


8th Global Divine Healing Hands, Mumbai Participant Shares his experience of the Workshop conducted by Master Allan Chuck in Mumbai.... I would like to Thank You very much for guiding me into attending the 8th Global Divine Healing Hands Workshop in Mumbai held on 11-13 April, 2014.......For the preparation of my forthcoming examination in the month of June, 2014, I was a bit skeptical to attend the Workshop in April and wanted to defer it till October.......I got an opportunity to speak to you about it on 31/03/2014. ....Acting upon Masters guidance for not deferring till October, I made up my mind to attend the workshop in April.......I am so Happy, that I attended the workshop in April, rather than deferring it till October.......During ongoing workshop, I regretted with myself for being aware and not doing the DHH workshop few year’s back, which could have saved me from learning lessons the hard way......Infact I remember telling one of Universal Servant, that I would attend Divine Healing Hands workshop in 2016.........Phew !!! I am glad that The Divine did not make me wait that long....... Thank you The Divine, The Tao and Master Sha. Though I was not keeping well since Thursday afternoon, I anyhow managed to reach the workshop...... When I told Master, due to my throat infection, I might leave the workshop in between.... He guided me that a lot of healing would take place over the next three days........ It indeed did happen....... The entire three days went very well, with a mild hiccup especially on the last day, wherein I did not have the will to sit all day long, which was taken care with compassion by my Mentor, I Thank her from the bottom of my heart for offering healing....... Thank you once again Master for giving guidance........ During the workshop, when I was unable to open up my Soul Language, You personally guided me into it. It was a memorable moment, which I would cherish for my entire lifetime...... I was not confident with it, When I practiced it at my home, all your words were ringing in my ears and guiding me, and I opened up my Soul Language......It sounded different on numerous times, now I know that I have to learn Soul Communication also, which I would be learning after June.....Smile ......Once again, Master, Thank you from the Bottom of my Heart...... Entire Three days, you have been very Kind, Loving, Compassionate, Generous, Humble, Charming & Patient. You have taught all of us with so much passion, given tremendous insights, and given beautiful explanations for any queries raised.......The time when you told everyone to touch your message center, and chant light, that was really an exhilarating and emotional experience both at the same time......... That was the moment when I was making progress in opening Soul Language.........You have poured in so much of Knowledge and Wisdom, which are real Divine Treasures........A new Chapter has been added to my Spiritual Journey, and there are many more things yet to learn and hardships to be faced on my way to Enlightenment........ All the Gifts offered by you are very Precious and I really Value all the Divine Transplants and Blessings that you have offered........... I was really touched and moved with your generosity....... My emotional side took over me many times during these three days..... Every time while bowing down to thank The Divine, I had tears in my eyes...... Every time, whenever you offered blessings of highest level, I just could not Thank you enough......Lastly when you offered Birthday blessings, I was about break into tears, but then my consciousness took over......I am really Honored and Blessed to have received Divine Healing Hands training from you...........Master, I Thank You very Much from the bottom of my heart, and can offer you nothing besides tears in my eyes and try to be total GOLD...... ......Actually I cant wait to see you Smile Love You. Love You. Love You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. CBD CBD CBD
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 13:08:06 +0000

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