8th day of Muharram. Lets make use of this blessed day. - TopicsExpress


8th day of Muharram. Lets make use of this blessed day. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Allah says; O believers, when the call is proclaimed for the prayer on Friday or when its time for Jumuat, come to the Remembrance of Allah and leave off business, that is better for you if you but did know. Quran 62:9. This verse clearly shows that anything we do even if halaal at jumuat time with exception to necessity becomes haraam for us because we are to leave everything and go to The Masjid to listen to khutbah. Remember to recite Suuratul Kahf Quran chapter 18, send more salutations to the Prophet(Allahummah Sally Alaa Muhammad to the end), use perfume whiles going to The Masjid(only men), clean your teeth with Miswaak(tooth stick), walk to The Masjid if possible. Seek more forgiveness by saying Astaqfirullah after Zikir of SUBHAANALLAH. WALHAMDULILLAH. WALAAILAAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU ALLAHU AKBAR. When living home recite (BISMILLAH, TAWAKKALTU ALALLAH WALAA HAWLA WALAA KUWATA ILLAA BILLAH meaning I depart in the name of Allah(Almighty God), relying on Him alone, it is Allah who save us from sins with His Guidance. PLEASE REMEMBER ME AND MY FAMILY IN YOUR DUA. May Allah accept our prayers and forgive our mistakes. Aameen.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:01:23 +0000

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