8th day positive post... Today has been different kind of - TopicsExpress


8th day positive post... Today has been different kind of mindset for myself today.. after speaking with Juli Conley last night and then Somer Kean today... and just talking about life and such. Ive been thru alot in this journey we call life... Ive made my fair share of mistakes, bad choices, wrong decisions, and took some pretty rough detours for myself, as well for others... but on the other side Ive done a lot of things right, and Ive helped so many people out from far back as I can remember up to this day that I have lost count...even when I couldnt do for myself Id do for you... i am not a selfish person, never have been. If I thought you might need it more then me Id for sure give it to you whatever I had.. i keep hearing people tell me over and over as to how strong I am... and I have came to the realization today that I AM STRONG... PROLLY ONE OF THE MOST STRONGEST PEOPLE I will ever know.. no matter what this life has thrown on me IVE OVERCOME IT ALL... Some how , some way I made it thru all the madness up to this point... and somehow some way I will get thru this hurdle as well. But all my trials and all my tribulations, have made me who AND HOW I am... and I guess even thru all the madness I am yet thankful for the chaotic, crazy, hurtful, hateful, madness ways of the world.. And I truly belive that at some point I will reach my destination and my battles will be spoken for. There will be no more crying, no more hurting, no more worrying, no more grudges being held, no more misery, no more pain. I love who I love how I love (when I love i love hard) and thats not just in a relationship with my spouse) if I tell you I love you TRUST AND BELIEVE I DO!!! Regardless of who you are or how you are. They say HE puts on us no more then we can handle.. well apparently HE thinks Im HARDCORE... theres many times Ive felt the need to give up, I was done, I was tired, couldnt take no more.... but then I LOOK AT MY KIDS FACES and my phone blows up on the daily of my ride or dies... true friendships, real people... and their loyalty and honesty is above no other... and I know IM THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL TO KNOW that no matter how hard things may be, or what rough waters Im treading thru, what storms Im wavering, I KNOW IM NOT ALONE... Ive got the best friends ever. And I just want you all to know I love each and everyone of you. Whether its calling/texting me asking me how I am, or letting me call to vent, or being those friends that keep me level headed when I feel Im about to lose it completely, to cutting up, and making me laugh, to just listening, for those that have cried with me, smiled with me, JUST RODE WITH ME thruout different journeys along my way... some Ive had forever, some Ive recently gained, some Ive lost along the way, some I dont get to talk to as much but when I do were right back where we were. Some of you have seen me at the top of the top and some MOST have seen me at my lowest of lows... but never once regardless high or low YALL WERE THERE WITH ME TO RIDE IT OUT IN SOME WAY. you will never know how much that means to me. And how honored I am to call yall friends... Im all mushy and such but know this... I THANK YOU ALL AND I LOVE YOU ALL EVEN MORE THEN WORDS COULD EVER BE PUT INTO WORDS... Ill forever cherish the friendships and the bonds with each of you...
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:02:37 +0000

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