9/11: It may make no difference, and ‘a man hears what he wants - TopicsExpress


9/11: It may make no difference, and ‘a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest’, to quote Simon & Garfunkel (‘The Boxer’) – and I promised myself I wouldn’t get into this, not today, …but I must: My top reasons (and I have plenty more) for NOT believing the official / accepted story of “Militant Islamic hijackers attacked both World Trade Center Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and were overcome by heroic passengers on a plane near Shanksville, PA”: These points are all a matter of record, and their refutations; “debunking” can be traced to those who either benefitted / still profit from 9/11 or want it not questioned. 1. “Project for A New American Century” white paper, pledging global American military dominance – but warning of slow or stopped accomplishment “barring some new Pearl Harbor” (page 63) – written and signed in 2000 by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, John Wolfowitz, Antonin Scalia, et. al. 2. Eighty-five (85) videos confiscated by FBI from surrounding surveillance cameras at hotels, gas stations, highway cameras – near the Pentagon, never released although allegedly showing a hijacked plane en route. 3. World Trade Center building #7 collapsing in controlled-demolition style, at free-fall speed, into its own footprint – filmed on national TV – without being hit by a plane or any such structurally damaging debris from Towers #1 or #2. Conveniently destroyed records of insider trading investigations by tenant SEC, as well as “put” and other dubious pre-attack Wall Street trade records. 4. Eyewitness/ survivor accounts from Towers #1 and #2 of evacuations and fire drills in the six weeks prior to the attacks, out of the ordinary and for prolonged times away from building. Bomb-sniffing dogs not allowed in buildings as usual afterwards without reason following drills. Marvin Bush (nephew of President George W.) in charge of WTC security through Securacom contract. 5. Treasury Secretary Norm Minetta’s sworn testimony that while in a bunker with VP Dick Cheney, when told of a rogue plane nearing Washington DC and should the USAF intercept, D Cheney told the breathless messenger “no”. 6. Sec/Defense Donald Rumsfeld referring to a molten piece of debris on his desk to a visitor as part of “the missile – er, ah – the plane that hit the Pentagon”. 7. Cell phone reception and connections were lousy twelve years ago. No one could place or keep a phone call for more than a few seconds – especially at airline altitude and 400+ mph. 8. Able Danger (look it up) 9. Hani Hanjour, the alleged pilot of the plane that hit the Pentagon, was a D student in flight school, on single-engine Cessna’s – and yet was able to maneuver (allegedly) a commercial airliner into a 270-degree descent without touching the grass and hit bulls-eye on his first try, under duress (without leaving any marks from the wings or 2-ton engines hitting the Pentagon walls or windows at 400 mph.) 10. There was NO plane debris, no luggage, no bodies, no nothing at the Shanksville site where a supposed fully intact and loaded 30-ton+ airliner hit the ground. Just a vacant hole. With scorched trees nearby. First such plane crash in aviation history without a trace of plane, passengers, or debris. 11. Eyewitness/survivor accounts from the Pentagon – many former active duty military – consistently and independently spoke of the smell of ‘cordite’ – a military explosive commonly used with missiles – unique and without civilian application. Again, no plane debris, no luggage, no bodies. 12. On Sept 10, 2001 Sec Don Rumsfeld, flabbergasted, announces that the Pentagon has somehow MISPLACED upwards of $2 Trillion; can’t account for it, no idea where it went. Attack conveniently takes out the exact area of the Pentagon in which such records would have been stored and overshadows his day-old story. 13. January, 2001: within one month of taking office (literally, by theft/friends in supreme court), President George “W” Bush orders staff, by their later account, to “find a way into Iraq.” 14. The WTC – all buildings – were built with explosion-grade steel; designed, ordered, installed and tested to withstand explosions and infernos, even if hit by fuel-powered jet airplanes. Even if the fire protection foam sprayed onto the structural steel had been “blown off” by the incoming plane, the steel would have held. 15. WTC Eyewitness/survivor accounts of multiple, huge explosions BELOW the areas hit by planes; repeated and violent, in the areas below the elevator shafts, and in the interior of the buildings at their bases. 16. Both WTC Towers #1 and #2 collapsing at free-fall speed, controlled-demolition style, into their own footprints. The “pancaking floors” theory does not match architectural or structural physics or history. 17. Hundreds of discrepancies that defy the ‘official explanation’. (ONE: airborne jetliner at cruising speed explodes into building, weakens steel, creates inferno that collapses structure built to withstand that --- and yet a PAPER passport is found on the adjacent street of an alleged Saudi hijacker from that plane. 18. The Bush White House ignores, stifles, stonewalls, mocks, and eventually complies with pleas for an investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Assigns two exec’s to head the commission, one from Oil, one from a defense contractor, with limited funds, limited authority, limited access, with certain departments, people, questions, topics “off limits”. Published investigation, after going thru White House, identifies NO ONE as culpable for ‘faulty intelligence’; no departmental, institutional or system-wide flaws, is without valid recommendations or any mention of many of the key issues raised by the families, esp the widows, of the victims of 9/11 - without whom there would have been no investigation. 19. Professionals, experts, lifelong practitioners from the architecture field, steel, construction, pilots, aeronautics, demolition, engineers, physicists, historians, military and government are on record as refuting the feasibility or reality of ‘the official story’: 911truth.org/ 20. Iraq and Afghanistan: both invaded for oil, now awash in US military bases, although not one of the alleged hijackers were from either country or had ties there.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 05:04:46 +0000

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