9/11, the truth Tuesday, September 11, 2001. That date sends - TopicsExpress


9/11, the truth Tuesday, September 11, 2001. That date sends chills to many people, including myself. I have done so much research about the attacks that day, and could spend days telling you about it. I will do my best to sum up whatreallyhappened on September 11th2001. The topic is very sensitive and it may hurt you. But you must break the barrier and you need to be informed on the other side of the story. In one sentence: it was an inside job. I found it hard to believe this for many years; even after listening to people like Alex Jones. I still thought it was legit and NOT an inside job. But again, the media told us a complete lie. Very rarely did they cover the other side of the story. Very few times did they show slow motion tapes and all the evidence to support the fact that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. Before you deny it was staged, I only ask that you read this chapter and truly sink into it. After all, the main stream media did cover the event in extreme detail like I am about to. That’s the purpose of this entire book, keep an open mind and listen from both sides of the spectrum. Don’t let one side “corrupt” your mind. You may think I am trying to persuading you, when really I am trying to layout the evidence from my side of the story. I am presenting to you the research facts that I have acquired. Escape the trap of not knowing and finally learn what really happened on that day. They [the government] don’t want you to think creatively, they are feeding you complete lies. Through this chapter, I will free those who lost their lives on 9/11 and the wars to come. I will inform them of what actually took place. I will open up the truth so it can be set free. Let’s break down the twin towers first. At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center’s North Tower. At 9:03 a.m., another five hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower. Both world trade centers collapsed to the ground completely, straight down. World trade center 7 was apparently brought down by fires. The towers were both pulverized into pure dust. Three towers, four planes all in one day. The odds of that happening not once, but twice on the exact same day are nearly impossible according to scientific research. So what brought down the towers? Well there are many theories but I have concluded in my own terms that explosions in the basements caused the tower supports to collapse a few minutes after being hit by the planes. There were reports of explosive sounds coming from the very bottom levels of both world trade centers. Have you ever played jenga? What happens when you take a block out of a row near the top? The tower does not fall straight down. The portion taken from the tower falls to the side. Now there are always complications but again: the fact that both towers fell exactly the same way, both being hit in different locations, is practically impossible. Buildings just do not fall like that. The scary part: theofficialaftermath reports came from The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST is a government agency that researched and concluded what happened to the towers. Before any private organizations could investigate the steel and rubble from ground zero, it was all shipped to foreign countries. Some say jet fuel burned the beams on the towers. Even if that is possible, again the buildings would fall to the side, not straight down. So let’s go back to the explosion theory from the basement. Controlled demolitions have the same effect, the buildings fall straight to the ground. Let’s talk about world trade center 7. How does a building not hit by anything collapse? Apparently it was caught on fire. If you look at video of world trade center 7 falling, it looks exactly the same as the other world trade centers in the fact that is collapsed in similar fashion. The fact that NORAD did not release planes to intercept the hijacked jets or how about the fact that nano-thermite (a controlled demolition explosive) was found all over ground zero. Let’s now focus our attention at the pentagon. By observing information reported there, I can conclude that a plane did not hit the pentagon, but another object, perhaps a missile, did. There was little left of the so called plane that hit the pentagon. Titanium jet engines do not melt like the ones claimed at the pentagon. The exit hole alone was 17 feet away from the entry hole on the side of the building. Even the hole itself is not even half the size of a jet fuselage. Also, the “plane” that struck the pentagon, did a 270 degree corkscrew maneuverer before hitting its target. Even for experienced pilots, that is a very hard to do. How do “hijackers” that can barely fly single engine planes maneuver a commercial jet that professionally? There is in fact so much more evidence supporting the fact that it was an inside job, than evidence supporting that it was a legitimate attack. Let’s now cover Deborah Palfrey, who had information exposing government officials through her escort service, Pamela Martin and Associates, she also claimed to have information about 9/11 being a government staged attack. She was in deep with the feds and planned to expose them in court. She feared she was going to be “suicided” by the government like many other 9/11 victims that had information were. Suicided basically means that the victim is killed and the crime scene is staged to look like a suicide. In an interview on the Alex Jones show in July 2007, Palfrey explicitly stated, “I’m not planning to commit suicide” and made clear her intentions to present her case at trial, saying, “I plan on exposing the government in ways that I do not think they want me to expose them”. On May 1, 2008, Palfrey was found hanging in a storage shed outside her mother’s mobile home in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Deborah was killed by the government so they could keep the truth a secret. This story was the last straw and was when I personally concluded 100% that 9/11 was an inside job. Deborah is not the only case in which she has been killed to cover up the world trade center attacks. A man named Barry Jennings was also found dead because of his knowledge about the truth of 9/11. The significance of the Barry Jennings mystery is that his personal story as recounted on video leads to the conclusion that the destruction of the towers on 9/11 was planned. On August 19, 2008, 53 year old Barry Jennings died, two days before the release of the NIST (again the organization that investigated the attacks of 9/11) Final Report on the collapse of world trade center seven (the building that was not hit by anything and just happened to collapse). Jennings was Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. On September 11th, 2001, he saw and heard explosionsbeforethe Twin Towers fell, while attempting to evacuate the world trade center seven command centers with NYC corporation counsel Michael Hess. No cause of death has been made public, and the mainstream press has not even covered the death of this American hero. Another innocent life lost in the attempt to cover up 9/11. They wanted an excuse to go after al-Qaeda. The only leverage they have is average people, maybe even you, thinking “The U.S. would not kill over 2,000 people like that”. It saddens me to say, they did. While the Bush administration denied that they could have possibly seen such an event coming, a disclosure of CIA documents reveals that they did, in fact, have foreknowledge that a major attack was in its final planning stages, and that it would be coordinated and large-scale attack with major casualties. Was the Bush Administration incompetent in its handling of intelligence that was warning of an imminent attack, or was there bigger forces at play? The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of an Al-Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 12:47:00 +0000

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