9/22/14 - Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul - TopicsExpress


9/22/14 - Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer discussed his new work researching the New World Order, the U.S. shadow government, and the money mafia which is at the apex of the cabal that has been running the U.S. and much of the world since World War II. Hellyer lamented that an international banking cartel has seized power over the planet by hijacking the ability to print money, which it then loans with interest, and utilizing a fractional-reserve banking system, which allows it to multiply its assets at an incredible rate. Over the last half century, he contended, the powers behind this banking cartel have used their wealth to surreptitiously influence governments around the world in order to further their own agenda. He warned that the goal of this money mafia is to ultimately replace democracies with an unelected government answerable to them. Hellyer charged that organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberger Group, and the Trilateral Commission are the key drivers behind influencing policies towards this objective of creating a global autocratic government. They have some pretty ambitious plans for us, he mused, and I dont think that the people are really aware of what they are or how far advanced that they are. To that end, he was hopeful that the general population will realize the nefarious plot that is underway and put a stop to it before it is too late. On how people can reassert control over the destiny of the planet, Hellyer stressed that the power to create money must be taken from the banking cartel and returned to individual nations. Banks should be nothing more than, basically, a public utility, he declared, providing a service to people instead of being in charge of the world. He also called for a moral and spiritual revolution where seeking wealth is no longer the principal preoccupation for the population. Although he conceded that the odds are long that this crooked banking system can be toppled, he suggested that an informed citizenry reaching critical mass could possibly effect the changes needed to do so. Later in his appearance, Hellyer also shared his thoughts on 911 as well as the UFO phenomenon. coasttocoastam/show/2014/09/22
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:09:06 +0000

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