9/27/14, 9:38:00 PM: +1 (408) 829‑7744: Dr Kandeh Kulleh - TopicsExpress


9/27/14, 9:38:00 PM: +1 (408) 829‑7744: Dr Kandeh Kulleh Yumkella is not in Politics to Steal our Money, to Enrich Himself or Family Sierra Leone Peoples Partys presidential candidate Dr Kandeh Yumkella has stated categorically clear that enriching himself and his family has never been the reason for his interest in politics. He explained he was giving it a shot because he had dreamt about what the countrys situation ought to be and wanted to take the country to that promise land. He indicated that he will take pride in engraving his name in the annals of the country. As the president who led the transformation of the country in spite of the growing pessimism. He stressed that he is not in politics to fill his pockets,to enrich himself or his family or to steal our money. He said that he has joined politics because he has a vision and a dream of what the country can be and he want to work to make that dream possible. He is asking Sierra Leoneans to give him the opportunity, support, where it is necessary to criticise him,do not hesitate,point out when things are going wrong. He asked us to give him our positive enthusiasm and lets go forward together. We can make it and make Sierra Leone truly the Green White and Blue of Africa he said. He also said his presidency will allow Sierra Leone to begin the task for the transformation of the country. President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah took us there. Instead of the APC building on it,they have taken us back. God-willing, when we come back in 2017,the task of transforming our country,giving our country an economy that will allow our young people to get work . An economy that will change the dynamics of the youth will commence. Our agriculture will begin to flourish again and the gap between the north and south, which is the burning ambition of his life will be bridged in our generation. Kandeh assured the SLPP supporters that despite the growing pessimism, Sierra Leoneans are having about the state of affairs in the country,he believed he can change Sierra Leone. Many years from now,our children of today will say our fathers and mothers changed Sierra Leone and they did so when Kandeh Kulleh Yumkella was President of Sierra Leone. God bless Sierra Leone and God bless the people of Sierra Leone. One people, One country. Henry Hindolo Lansana KKY Movement Northern California Chapter
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:52:51 +0000

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