9. A day after the death of over 50 students, President Jonathan - TopicsExpress


9. A day after the death of over 50 students, President Jonathan made a declaration [an odious event] of his intent to seek re-election under the platform of the PDP! Does normal blood flow through his veins; how does his brain process information and correlate action with reaction? Is he capable of making informed rational decisions at all? Is he robotic or just a cold, crooked, mean, wicked, insensitive, clueless, and a selfish brick-head? 10. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, unlike other Presidents around the world, during the years he has been in power, has NOT ONCE visited our troops to cheer them up, lift their spirit and wish them well in their fight against the insurgency and generally as the father of the nation and Commander-in-Chief, to assure our Military that the country is grateful and appreciates them. He could have gone to the 7th Division of the Nigerian Army, Maimalari Barracks, etc. 11. Despite the pain of a parent at the loss of a child, President Jonathan has still not deemed it fit to visit Chibok town or send one of his Ministers, or the Secretary to the Government of the Federation to assure the town’s people that they are not forgotten! However, he has the mind to send the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and other Ministers to collect signatures and sing at the various TAN rallies! 12. Despite the Court declaring in the case of INEC v DPP (2014) LPELR-22809( lawpavilionpersonal/ipad/books/22809.pdf), that ONLY the Federal High Court has jurisdiction to determine whether the seat of a member of the House of Assembly, House of Representatives, Senate, etc has become vacant as a result of a defection to another political party, President Jonathan sent the Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba, to determine that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal, vacated his seat by defecting to the APC and hence no longer entitled to State Protection! To crown it, President Jonathan also sent the Police to tear-gas and lock out the Speaker and other members perceived to be loyal to him! 13. Since the time of independence, scores of school children have never been so easily abducted or massacred by terrorists operating with reckless abandon. Then comes President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and school children are being wantonly massacred by Boko Haram [after which he hosts dinners or attends political rallies, birthdays and other inanities; and in the latest act of such cold indifference he declared to run for office whilst the bodies of dead school children were still dripping with blood] – and these are children he swore on the Bible to protect! Also, since our Statehood, no Nigerian leader has ever lost a territory to terrorists. Then Jonathan came along and the flags of Boko Haram were hoisted in territories belonging to Nigeria, including the home town of the present Chief of Defence Staff. 14. Whilst the Nigerian Navy grapples with underfunding and lack of the necessary resources to effectively patrol our territorial waters and oil pipelines, President Jonathan has awarded contracts to militants from the Niger Delta to emasculate the Nigerian Navy. A highly favoured militant called Government Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo and President Jonathan-enriched multi-billionaire, recently acquired an armada of refurbished warships – suspiciously close to the 2015 general elections! Such blatant arming of a private individual from the President’s region, to the detriment of the Nigerian Military and the sovereignty of the country as a whole, has never happened in the history of this country! Is it President Jonathan’s idea of transformation to neglect the Nigerian Military and arm a private individual, who is known to have borne arms against the State of Nigeria? 15. On the issue of corruption, it has been alleged that some of President Jonathan’s associates who owed AMCON substantial amount of monies have had the loans written off or negotiated on unduly favourable terms and a notable person is Zenon Oil/Femi Otedola The owner of Forte Oil, Nnamdi Mba is also alleged to be owing a substantial amount to AMCON and was recently the vanguard of Transformation ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN), a body used illegally in laundering the image and campaigning for President Jonathan before the ban on electioneering campaign was lifted. What is to become of this man’s indebtedness is a good guess! In the oversight function of the National Assembly on the activities of the NNPC and the Minister for Petroleum, Diezani Allison-Madueke, the President shielded her from going to answer questions on how she had expended public money on travelling, etc. The President’s excuse on the matter publicly was a disgrace and affirmation that he would prevent any searchlight on issues bothering on corruption against public officers. 16. SECURITY. All President Jonathan has been doing is blame saboteurs, opposition politicians, etc! The verdict on President Jonathan on security is too glaring to see and matters speak for themselves. GEJ does not court the Military he is Commander-In-Chief of; he courts the services of a militant known as Tompolo who has become the Chief of Jonathan’s Navy by the acquisition of a fleet of ships, whether refurbished or not; an illegal venture to which GEJ cannot claim ignorance! Juxtapose this with the equally illegal laundering of US dollars in South Africa in the quest to acquire arms [for?] using a private jet linked to another Niger Deltan, Pastor Oritsejafor, another close confidant and friend of the President – only then would one come to the inescapable conclusion that it would be extremely dangerous and foolhardy to trust President Jonathan with the security of this nation in the coming future. The hard question must be asked: Tompolo has acquired ships, presumably for the built-up of an illegal naval force; were the arms purchase scuttled by the vigilance of South Africa meant for Tompolo’s illegal Army? These aforelisted are the reasons why, in addition to rejecting President Goodluck Jonathan, I must respectfully disagree with commentators like the erudite Sabella Abidde who say that Jonathan is not a terrible human being. If the deaths of scores of Nigerians in the Nyanya bombing in Abuja and the abduction of over 200 girls could elicit a partying and dancing reaction from him; if after over 50 children were massacred in a secondary school in Yobe State and, less than 24 hours after, the President was making a declaration to run for political office, smiling and waving to his admirers of aberrant behaviour; then, what sort of a person would behave in such appalling and dreadful manners? I stand to be challenged that no good person who is the President of a country – the custodian of law and order and the Custom Morales – would go out to make a selfish declaration to run for political office so soon after an event that properly ought to have elicited pangs of regret, sorrow and mourning sufficient to declare a national day of mourning. Only a very bad person could have abdicated his moral responsibility to the nation at large in preference for a personal political agenda. May God forgive this great nation of its sins and never visit upon it such an uncaring, cold-hearted and self-centred leader. I say amen
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:14:36 +0000

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