9] Hima clan And Tutsi Master Plan Conspiracy (underground - TopicsExpress


9] Hima clan And Tutsi Master Plan Conspiracy (underground document) Last updated : 12 Dec 2007, Kampala [ ababaka/cms/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=16&id=6729&Itemid=45&lang=en ] Editors comment: Dear Ugandans, this document has been sent to us like 100 times over the past two years. A person who comes from the west will see that it contains many factual errors, but we have ignored it all these years. Publishing it does not mean now we endorse it. Rather, our intention is to take it out of the under-ground circulation and expose it to the critical eye of everybody. A wide discussion may help believers look at things more objectively (and hopefully stop the person bombarding our email box with it). Your comments are most welcome. MEETING HELD AT THE HOME OF H.E. PRESIDENT Y.M. MUSEVENI, THE PRESIDENT OF UGANDA AT RUSHERE NYABUSHOZ1 ON 15-3-1992 ATTENDANCE 1. Mr.Y.K. Museveni Nyabushozi 2. Mrs. J. Museveni Nyabushozi 3. Mr. Elly Rwakakoko Ruhama, Ntungano 4. Mr. Eric Kabango Rukungiri 5. Akwandanaho Salim Saleh Nyabushozi 6. Mr. Sam Kutesa Nyabushozi 7. Mr. Abel Katemowe Rukungiri 8. Canon Rwabugaire Buyania, Rukungiri 9. Mrs. Rwabugaire Buyanja, Rukungiri 10. John Wycliff Karigire Ntungamo 11. Mrs. Karazarwe Ntungamo 12. Mrs. Rwakakoko Ruhama, Ntungamo 13. Bob Kabonero Ntungamo 14. Mr. Jim Muhwezi Rukungiri 15. Mrs. Susan Muhwezi Rukungiri 16. Mr. Jotham Tumwesigye Nyabushozi, Mbarara 17. Mr. John Nasasira Kazo 18. Mzee Nyindombi Kebisoni 19. Mrs. Faith Bitamurire Kebisoni 20. Mugisha Muhwezi Nyindobi Kebisoni 21. Mrs. Jane Mwesigye Sembabule 22. Mrs. Mwesigye Sembalue 23. Mr. Kamugisha Kebisoni 24. Mrs. Kamugisha Kebisoni 25. Mr. John Kazoora Ntungamo 26. Mr. Christopher Kiyombo Ntungamo 27. Major Henry Tumukunde Buyanja Kitojo 28. Mrs. Tumukunde Buyanja Kitojo 29. Mzee Rwakanengere Kashari Rubaya 30. Jolly Rwakanengere Kampala, Rubaya 31. Mrs Salim Saleh Nyabushozi 32. Rev. Kajangye Buyanja, Kitojo 33. Aronda Nyakeirima Buyanja, Kitojo 34. Mzee Mpira Nuyanja Nyakibungo 35. Charles Muhhozi Kifaburaza Kagunga 36. Justus Katono Karishunga Buyanja 37. Elly Karuhanga Nyabushozi, Mbarara 38. Mzee Kafumusi Ibanda 39. Sikora B.K. Buhweju, Buyaruguru 40. P. Kaitirima Sembabule 41. Mathew Rukikakire Sembabule 42. Mrs. Rukikare Kabura, Rukungiri 43. Sam Baingana Rukungiri 44. Mrs Baingana Rukungiri 45. Mzee Amos Nzei Kabale 46. Mrs. Nzei Kabale 47. Mzee Rutamwebwa Nyabushozi 48. Mrs. Mary Rutamwebwa Nyabushozi 49. Rev. Canon Sam Rubunda Nyabushozi 50. Mrs. Jennifer Kutesa Sembabule/Ntungamo 51. Eriya Kategaya Rwampara 52. Jovia Kankunda Mbarara 53. Mzee Rwakiturate Nyabushozi 54. Rwabantu Rusheyi Ntungamo 55. Col. Chefali Kazo 56. Col. Kazini J. Nyabushozi 57. Major Kashaka Nyabushozi 58. Jero Bwende Nyabushozi 59. Augustine Ruzindana Rubaya, Ntungamo 60. Ephraim Rusimirwa Nyakabuye 61. Mzee Kaino Nyakininga 62. Rev. Rujoki Nshwerunkuye 63. Mrs. J. Rujoki Nshwerunkuye 64. Prince John Barigye Kashari 65. Kanyesigye Barigye Junior Kashari 66. Kirimani Nyabushozi 67. Fred Kanyabubale Kitojo Buyanja 68. Kakurungu Kitojo 69. Captain Biraro Nyabushozi 70. Mrs. Nasasira Kazo 71. Herbert Rwabwende Kashari 72. Odrek Rwabwogo Nyabushozi 73. Hope Kivegere Presidents Office 74. Bishop Justus Ruhindi Rukugiri 75. Justin Sabiiti Mbarara 76. Maama Rubindi North Kigezi Diocese AGENDA 1. Prayers 2. Opening Remarks by H.E. (Chairman) 3. Strategy for the next 50 years 4. Plan of Action Minute 1.00: The meeting started with a prayer led by Rt. Rev. Bishop Ruhindi at exactly 11.00p.m. who prayed for good deliberations. Minute 2:00 The Chairman, H.E. welcomed the Basita Clan and other clans present in his home. He briefed members present the purpose of the meeting and thanked organizers for a good job done. He told members that the only opportunity they have is this one when he is still President. He directed Hope Kivengyere to act as a link between his office and these people at grass roots. He told them that they were few in number and that he fought to liberate them so that they could be heard in society and Uganda at large. He reminded them of the need to have a master plan for at least fifty years if the Hima clan is to remain vibrant and rich. H.E. told his listeners that if they cannot use the opportunity maximally, their daughters and sons would blame them in future. At this function he revealed to them a scheme and plan of action in order for them to achieve their desired goals as: To have the highest education qualifications during his term of office for their children. To make sure they are the richest people in Uganda with the 50 years master plan. To make sure they control the army and have the highest ranks in the army. To ensure that they take charge of all the resources in the country To ensure none of those not concerned, not to know about the action plan. Every one of them was directed to recruit the Bahima boys to join the army so that they could dominate the ISO, PPU, ESO and Military Police as this would assist in the resisting of other tribes that would attempt to take power by the use of force. Minute 3.00: The chairman informed the members to unite so that they could remain the only kings in the region. He said that the master plan couldnt be achieved unless 80% of their youths are properly trained and equipped with the best necessities to maintain these issues. At this juncture the chairman directed Mr. Elly Karuhanga to take charge of educating the sons and daughters and send them abroad in countries such as India, England, America and South Africa. Karuhanga accepted the responsibility without hesitation. The chairman also directed Mr. Kirimani to take charge of educating the daughters and sons internally, especially to ensure that he put up special school in Nyabushozi to cater for the interests of the group, On this note Mr. Kutesa suggested to upgrade Bunyanyeru Resettlement School from Nursery upto Secondary, which was passed with no arguments. Minute 4:00 Mr. Elly Rwakakoko interjected the chairmans speech by giving directions to members on the real discussion by introducing a new chapter of how H.E. could be succeeded after his term of office. On this point Mrs. Jovia Salim Saleh begged the members to ensure that after H.E. the next president must come from the Basita clan. She said that she had done a lot for the Basita and taken a lot of risks for the last 20 years and therefore it was important that the Basita take charge of the resources of the country. The members resolved that she was not in order. Minute 5.00: Mzee Ephrann Rusimira suggested that the new president should be the brother to the president if the master plan is to succeed. He warned that if the Bairu and non Bahima clans got to know about the action plan, it would fail to take off. Minute 6.00: Mzee Rutamwebwa suggested that Salim Saleh should go back to school if the objectives of the action are to be achieved. He suggested that Salim Saleh had to get "0" Level Certificate and ALevel Certificate. This was unanimously agreed to. He also suggested that someone close, possibly the son of H.E. should be groomed to take over the reigns from Salim Saleh. This too was agreed on and the group begged H.E. to look around for a boy who would be groomed.The group also brainstormed about how to destroy those who would gang up to take power from the clan. Death was suggested for the potential leaders who would attempt to fail the master plan. Mmute 7.00: The way Forward: a) Deny other people access to economic resources through: i. Overtaxing individuals and companies, which dont belong to our people and protect those of our people. ii. Destroying co-operative societies and unions. iii. Selling Parastatals and public enterprises that others dont gain from them. iv. Commercialize education and health services. b) Our people to be employed in lucrative public offices from which they should reap maximally while being protected from prosecution. c) Destruction of the economic, military and political will of Northern and Eastern Uganda. d) Immediate return of non-political Kabaka of Buganda while we promote disunity among the Buganda. e) Uniting all Bahima in the Great Lakes Region and awakening their political, military and economic process. f) Participating in the exploitation of economic resources of rich neighboring states. g) Making strategic alliances with whatever power in the world that will enhance achievement of this plan. Minute 8.00: Members recommended that all those given responsibility must ensure the achievement of the objectives. H.E. was mandated to appoint committees or individuals to implement the different aspects of the master plan. Confidentiality must be ensured at all costs. The meeting closed at 4.00a.m. on 16-03-1992. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Readers comment: THE HIIMA MEETING SHOULD NOT BE IGNORED. THAT IS WHY NOW YOU SEE THEY ARE IMPLIMATING WHAT THEY PASSED IN THA MEETING. THEY HAVE THE BEST JOBS, THE HIGHEST RANKS IN THE SECURITY FORCES, ETC. NOW, THEY HAVE BROUGHT THE BALAALO TO GRAB OUR LAND. LET ME ADVISE THESE PEOPLE THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY PLAYING WITH. LET THEM LOOK AT THE PALESTINES AND THE ISRAEL ARE UP TO NOW STILL FIGHTING. WHEN YOU LOOK CAREFULLY, THE LAND WAS REMOVED FROM THEM BUT SLOWLY , THE ARE GETING IT BACK. OBOTE TOOK EVERY THING FROM THE KINGDOMS, BUT M7 GAVE IT BACK. BUT NOW HE WANTS TO TAKE EVERY THING FROM ALL UGANDANS. YOU CAN OCCUPIE THE LAND, BUT YOU CANNOT CARRY IT WITH YOU. AMIN KICKED OUT THE INDIANS , M7 BROUGHT THEM BACK AND THEY GOT ALL THEIR THINGS THOUGH THEY HAD BEEN COMPESETED. ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL TAKE OUR LAND , WILL LOOSE EVERY THING THEY WILL DO ON THAT LAND. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT LEADERS COME, LEADERS GO. M7 WILL GO AND YOU WILL GO WITH HIM. WE SHALL NOT TAKE YOUR LIFE. WE JUST WANT OUR LAND. YOU ARE WARNED.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:00:54 +0000

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