9. PRAYER – HEALER OF THE BROKEN-HEARTED JEHOVAH RAPHA, by Kingdom decree, we declare that You are the Healer of the brokenhearted, and that You bind the wounds of the emotionally downtrodden. Exalted Creator, we declare You are the healer of our emotional wounds, those seen and unseen. ABBA Father, by Your Love and Power, we remove the agony of hurt and anger from the depths of our souls. Father, help us to overcome our past pains, and move us on to emotional wholeness, as represented by the Fruit of the Spirit. Heal Us from Past Relationships Heavenly Father, our Creator and Lover of our souls, our emotions have been poisoned with pain in the past. We have been torn apart, in one way or the other, and over years of cultivation of repressive and negative emotions, trauma has been etched in our minds and souls. LORD GOD, we request You render and release Your righteous remedies, to remove every rudimentary residue that resulted from resentful and rejected relationships, so that we will be renewed and restored, in the name of JESUS. Loose Us From Un-forgiveness Majestic Creator, we pray that You loose us from the shackles and bondage of any unforgiveness that has remained rooted in our hearts. LORD, deeply convict us of this destructive demonic device called unforgiveness, which we maybe willingly, or unwillingly harboring. Through Your Grace and Power, enable us to release the debt, the anger, and the damage already done, into Your hands. Heavenly Father, we plead that we would embrace forgiveness with a whole heart as You do, for the sake of Christ. We Seek You for Holistic Healing Father in Heaven, grant us the strength to face the wounds of the past, and we plead that we will neither neglect nor suppress the emotional injury of our history. LORD, empower us to seek You for holistic healing, and for us to move on with our lives, in Love, Peace, and Joy, with our souls and minds, purified and purged by Your Holy Spirit. I pray that our poisonous past would no longer hurt and hinder our divine destiny. We say this prayer in the precious name of our LORD and Saviour, JESUS CHRIST…AMEN!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 05:05:08 +0000

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