9 RECESSION PROOF Jobs Let’s face it; recessions are tough. - TopicsExpress


9 RECESSION PROOF Jobs Let’s face it; recessions are tough. And you will know this best if you are out of job and are struggling to earn a living. Even if you are employed, you still feel the heat of a possible job cut and may opt for a pay cut to weather the storm. However, there are certain professionals who enjoy good employment outlook and job security even at the helm of economic downtimes. Here is a brief overview of such professions, as listed by Brainz. 1) Engineer The human race will never stop wondering about the world around them or stop inventing new things and technologies, as a result of which engineers will feel less heat compared to the other professionals during tough economy times. In addition, the emergence of technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, materials science and so on, plus the use of technology in services and products are bound to drive the demand for engineers to a new level in the coming years. 2) Teacher Teaching, arguably the most respected job on the planet, never seems to be out of style. It has historically been recession-proof and will continue to be one of the most stable career options available on the planet. People will send their children to the schools and colleges irrespective of the prevalent economic conditions, which is the reason why this job remains stable, trendy and secure at all times. The remarkable thing about this job is that there is always an opening lurking by the corner. Presently, enrolment for this job is at an all time high and is expected to increase exponentially, thanks to the retirement of baby boomers. The need for teachers with bilingual expertise and handicap training proficiency to assist kids with special needs is on a rise. And the rising number of student enrolments in the colleges is also fuelling the demand for educators with advanced degrees. 3) Police Officer Crime and illegal activities doesn’t stop during economic meltdown; hence it is highly likely that there will be some job stability in this line of work. Employee layoffs are unheard off in the profession and nobody wants to jeopardize public safety, thus there will always be openings lurking around the corner. Also with the rise of the high-tech crimes, the demand for these professionals is expected to soar to new heights. 4) Utility/Energy Specialist This is the sunshine job of the modern era. Irrespective of how terrible the economy gets, it is highly unlikely that people will stop using electricity at homes or at offices. As the economies from around the world become more environmentally conscious and start investing in greener and cheaper alternatives, the need for these professionals are expected to soar to an all time high. 5) Environmental Science Technician This is the job to look out for in the coming years. With an ever-increasing emphasis on greener energy, the worldwide push to make homes, offices and other buildings more energy-efficient, and the increasing demand to develop alternative sources of energy, the employment opportunities for these professionals is expected to rise, irrespective of the future economic conditions. 6) Doctor This is a job that never goes out of scope and pops up to the top of just about every list of hot career options. Even during economic downturns, people will continue to get sick and require medical treatment, as a result of which the demand for these professionals never seem to die. Furthermore, the number of older people who will require medical care and other essential services is projected to grow at a rapid pace, driving the need for these professionals to a new level. As more and more people are striving for a longer life, the need for doctors who can help them do so will also increase, fuelling the boom in this industry. Also the fact that health care is an industry that is on the rise and will continue to be on the rise irrespective of the economic conditions, will add to the attractiveness of this profession. 7) Hearing Aid Practitioner/Audiologist Though many people undermine the importance of this profession, this will in all probability be one of the sunshine career options of the future. This is because as a large population of baby boomers gets older, many of them would require the assistance of hearing aids, and this is where these professionals can cash in on the demand. As an audiologist, you will be responsible for examining patients who are experiencing signs of hearing loss and other issues related to hearing. You often have to lend your assistance to doctors and other health care professionals to address hearing loss, and provide patients with the necessary aids to put up with the acoustic deficiencies. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as populations with hearing issues continue to increase, growth in this line of work is expected to continue and reach new heights in the coming future. 8) Accountant Tax and death are the two certainties of life, and as long as we have to pay taxes, there will always be a job for these professionals. Every individual, company or industry, which makes and handles money, eventually, needs the expertise of these professionals to move forward. 9) Soldier Be it peace time or war, these men and women in uniforms will always be in demand. Yes, it is a dangerous profession, but the rewards of being a soldier are many. Though the job is not for everyone, especially not the faint hearted, it will definitely have a place and never lose its sheen in this modern society.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:24:32 +0000

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