9 SEO TECHNIQUES TO BE AVOIDED IN 2014 01. Manual Search - TopicsExpress


9 SEO TECHNIQUES TO BE AVOIDED IN 2014 01. Manual Search Engine Submission No such thing anymore, at least not for Google, Bing and any of the other major search engines. Search engines have things called robots that crawls the web and index all the website pages. Whenever you publish a new page it usually gets indexed within few days, though it could take a little longer. There isn’t any need of submitting manually, unless you are sure that your web page gets indexed within hours of publishing. In such case the (Google Webmaster Tools) gives you the ability to submit up to 500 pages per month. Why would you want to pay for something that happens for free? Alternative: Submit your URL to relevant online directories. The link might help your SEO, but more importantly, it will give you the opportunity to be found by potential clients and customers. 02. Article Submission SEO companies offer to create articles for you, filled with links pointing back to your site and submit them to article directories that rank high in search results because of their mass of content. This would theoretically boost your PageRank by providing you with valuable links to your website. This practice was a winner, until the Google’s Panda algorithm update brought it crashing down by decimating the rankings of these content farms and even penalizing sites with too many links incoming from those websites. Post Panda update, article submission to content farms is either practically useless or can possibly penalize your website. Alternative: Contact relevant blogs and ask if they accept guest posts. If they do, write an awesome post that includes one or two links to your site and send it to them. Besides getting a link or two on their site, you get exposure to their audience — which could mean new clients for you! 03. Thin Content In the old days SEO companies would take a bunch of keywords and stuff them in a blog post. It didn’t matter if the post was readable or comprehensible by any person. It didn’t have to be that meaningful. It just had to get indexed and ranked by search engines. After Google’s Panda updated that doesn’t worked thereafter. Now every content has to be finely written and meaningful too. It cannot be produced in ample quantity by a machine or some low paid worker in a foreign land. If it is it might be labelled (rightly so) as spam and suffer a penalty. Eventually creating junk content on your site will ruin your credibility and reputation, and probably end up hurting your commercial. So stay away from those who promise for content creation. You’ll get what you pay for. Alternative: Create high quality, unique content that everyone wants to read and link to. Now more than ever, content is king. 04. Keyword Stuffing Everyone tries to find a keyword before they write an article because the goal is to eventually rank for it in all the search engines. This sounds really great when you think about it because they do need to know what you wanted to rank it for, but in the past few decades it went too far. Developers would stuff the keyword inside their articles dozens of times and you just can’t do that anymore. 05. Anchor Text Overload When you leave a backlink on another site you have to choose the anchor-text. If this would be few years before you could be able to make your anchor text the keyword you wish to rank for. If you practice this these days then it is observable to the search engines that you’re manually building links to manipulate your positions. Therefore, you should use a combination of anchor or link text now, or you will be penalized. 06. Hidden activity will always be found With so many different Google algorithms now released that continue to be updated on a systematic basis, every search engines (Google, Bing etc. .) are now able to spot any hidden activity that may be taking place on a site. The following could lead to several serious penalties if you are found out: Hidden Text (Same as the background so it looks invisible) Hidden Links Tiny Text Hidden Keyword Stuffing 07. Focus on Quantity of Links Rather Than Quality While use of a huge number of backlinks is considered a one of the perfect SEO activity, the same could go a long-long way in ruining your business online. One of the poorest mistakes that many of them make is placing their focus on incorporating a bunch of links in their websites not knowing that quality overrules quantity. Link building is pretty simple since most of the people consider it. Essentially, it may not take you long to have a lot of links built for your website. However, most of the people fail to consider the quality of links that they get. Besides, they get eager with the count and forget the quality. Any link created should be authoritative and attractive to ensure that surfers follow it without any other thought. It is always recommended that you abstain from links which are categorized by low Domain Authority. This is one of the fundamental recipes behind unsuccessful in online business. 08. Use of Duplicate Content This is one of the most dangerous SEO strategies that any online businessperson could implement. In many cases, businesses that have with more than one site tend to recycle their data. You may come across many similar articles in different websites. It may also be possible to track a certain link and find similar content from that of the mother website. If you have the tendency of implementing content that is duplicate, then your business is just possibly not performing so well. It is essential to mark that search engines like (Google, Bing etc.) are always on the viewpoint for copied content, irrespective of whether or not the website is owned by any person. Generally, search engines never rank two different copies of similar content. Actually, a penalty may outcome from using identical content. This means that the assignment of inspiring your online business won’t work. 09. Relying on Backlinks Alone If you have the perception that use of backlinks is the only avenue towards achieving the best positions on SERP, then it never so at all. There are many other tools that must be employed to ensure best SEO for your business site. A lot of people have the misunderstanding that large number of links in a website will remarkably boost traffic which in return elevates the ranking in search engines. On the contrary, you must team up a number of SEO strategies and techniques for great results to be reached. Relying on backlinks alone will gives only boost SEO to some extent but not entirely? You must make sure that the use of back-links is balanced with other suites in the use of social media, SEO sphere. Content promotion and onsite optimization as well could work as a faultless SEO blend. Conclusion This article provides some very essential warnings. It’s time to move away from the tricks (gimmicks) that you had believed would surely work. SEO is alive, and it has changed. Accordingly you will have to adapt your strategy. So when you get those too good to be true SEO sales pitches, just take a deep look on what they are offering and then decide if they really are worth the money they’re charging. A reputable SEO company will clearly explain their services and answer all of your questions honestly and knowledgably. The 09 strategies highlighted above are actually things that can be easily snubbed yet with very drastic and adverse-effects at the end. These techniques must be avoided therefore at all costs since it is the only way you can move your business to a better level. For more information please visit: kilobytes.in/services/seo Read more: mytechlogy/IT-blogs/5767/9-seo-techniques-to-be-avoided-in-2014/
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:39:14 +0000

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