9 Star Ki Divination - 九宮占卜 Four Pillars of Destiny Bazi - TopicsExpress


9 Star Ki Divination - 九宮占卜 Four Pillars of Destiny Bazi - 子平八字算命 Flying Star Feng Shui - 玄空風水飛星派 Nine Star Ki Astrology - 九星命理 [REPORT ON A 9 KI DIVINATION READING INTO A STUDENTS LIFE CHANGING EVENT] Some time during last weeks 9 Ki Divination class, my student being a 5.2.8 in Nine Star Ki, gives me the date of October 1989 for an ‘important’ and pretty much ‘life changing’ event. I take the belonging annual- and monthly Luoshu onto the white board, while asking my student not to either confirm or dismiss as I’d be going into ‘thinking aloud’, guessing what event would have occurred. As you read along, first thing you’d be needing of course is, all 9 Stars and Trigrams attributes there are to know, then knowing what certain Star combinations may bode. As there will be no way around Wuxing ‘supporting cycle’ or ‘controlling cycle’ and there may be purpose for using those on certain occasions, in 9 Ki Divination for real events, Wuxing may become otherwise redundant and of no further concern. In fact, leaving out Wuxing altogether as you read to account of real events will open up Luoshu. As then you ‘enter’ Luoshu, start by deciding on context, which would here be an event coming to concern of my student, so we may likely dismiss to be reading Stars to account of earthquakes, flooding, labor strikes, financial sector etc. Syntax then needed at a minimum, so as to letting 9 Stars and Luoshu really give you the story: (a) You would always first check Stars at the central Luoshu Palace on so-called Luoshu Trend. (b) Involve annual- and monthly Reversed Luoshu Axis. For example, Stars given in bold and underlined in sample Luoshu below denote annual- and monthly Reversed Luoshu Axis for time of event. Reversed Luoshu Axis is then the Luoshu magnetic axis where a certain Star appears opposite its original Luoshu Palace. (c) Need to proclaim one Star the ‘subject’ Star, or ‘the archetype to read’. As then you’d be reading Luoshu in ‘layers’, another round your subject Star may be well read for something else, so it may go from having first boded person involved, to then a physical object, or an organ. Zero in on nouns predominantly and declare one Star ‘subject’, another Star ‘verb’, yet another Star ‘direct object’, then swapping those functions while you read if so you saw - or the event gave - reason for doing so. (d) Whatever Star you had at all declared your subject Star for the purpose, you’d always read it in close orchestration – simultaneously so - with the Star and Palace to appear into opposite position of your subject Star. In fact, that’s the whole idea, while if you didnt, the whole exercise would become redundant and a waste of time, as Luoshu would instantly clam up on you like an Oyster. Ok, so if you had been in class, this is about what you’d have heard. I first concentrated on native’s second Star 2 to appear in the central Luoshu Palace as annual Star. It is Host as compared to monthly Star 3, which is Guest in the central Luoshu Palace. A Host Star would be comparatively more stationary, with Guest Star then more mobile, if you will, making an appeal on Host Star. “You (2) would have been approached by a male person (3)” I said, in mind here Host-Guest Principle given as 2-3. Given it being suggested that a male 3 would make an appeal on Star 2, we go look place else same Luoshu to see ‘how Star 3 is doing’ and we locate it in the 6 Metal Luoshu Palace for annual Star 3, so that, annual Star 3 Host there, being now in itself looked up by monthly Star 4. Star 4 for Xun Gua may represent documents, contracts, paper, the written word, airborne projectiles to travel from point A to point B, exciting air, the ability to breath, the chest. As always then simultaneously involving opposite Stars and Palaces also, opposite annual Star 3 we find annual Star 1 and monthly Star 2 in the 4 Wood Luoshu Palace. Here I once more took monthly Star 2 in the 4 Wood Luoshu Palace to bode second Star of my student. “This male (3) in the 6 Metal Luoshu Palace has a problem to concern of a document (4), related to opposite annual Star 1 in the 4 Wood Luoshu Palace, which would bode loss, debt, hide or fall”. In the mean time to concern of Star 4 for documents, I am interested in then also looking up Star 4 elsewhere in this Luoshu to see ‘how Star 4 is doing’, which gives annual Star 4 in the 7 Metal Luoshu Palace, once more opposite monthly Star 1 in the 3 Wood Luoshu Palace. Notably, monthly Star 1 goes into ‘hiding’ (stealthily) in the 3 Wood Palace, where it is being brought to exposure by annual Star 9 also there. Annual Star 4 for documents is being visited my monthly Star 5 in the 7 Metal Luoshu Palace, while Star 7 for the Luoshu Palace may bode anything monetary, just finances, money. “This male could be having a financial (7) problem (5)”. Then I went on to involve the Northeast-Southwest annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, with annual 5 in the 8 Earth Luoshu Palace to displace annual Star 8 in the 2 Earth Luoshu Palace. My student’s first 9 Ki Star is 5, but besides then taking annual Star 5 to just the individual, we may along another round in our reading take it for something else, such as for a compound of sorts, made of stone, brick or concrete, publicly accessible, which can be a tunnel, commuter station, a city square. Any Stars to appear on the Reversed Luoshu Axis, may then to account of their Trigram attributes be magnetically ‘off’ or ‘going nowhere’, so, quite naturally so - and to that respect ‘easy’ -, we may be taking any 9, 18 or - if involved daily Stars too – 27 Stars, then single out annual-, monthly- and daily Reversed Luoshu Axis, then expect events to closely relate to that, predominantly. Initially thinking this ‘male’ and for having a financial problem, could be my student’s son, but whom would have been too young at that time, so I dismissed. Then, given that either one of my student’s Stars would have appeared on both the annual- and monthly Reversed Luoshu Axes, I decided that, instead, the problem should have come to concern of his person directly and it would need have been pretty grave then. 9 Ki syntax has it that, nothing to befall any subject Star with not the opposite Star and Palace having a direct hand in it, so we’d always simultaneously read into subject Star and opposite Star, combining Trigram attributes of either one, then add movement, as in pushing the forward button on our dvd player. Because then also, one way of looking at Luoshu axes is in saying that, where one Star be headed into one direction, then the Star into opposite position would be probably inclined into the other direction, wed be seeing annual Star 5 headed away from annual Star 8, so I said: “you (5) would have been moving away from a building (8)”. Now, due to our having earlier taken the 7 Metal Palace to account of monetary affairs, this ‘building’ could be a bank. Then we’d go see why then he’d have moved away from a building (8). Monthly Star 6 in the 8 Earth Luoshu Palace can then bode many things, so, within context, I took monthly Star 6 to most probably denote a car. “You had moved your car (6) away from or next to a building (8)”. I also said, I could not immediately make ‘soup’ of monthly Star 9 in the 2 Earth Luoshu Palace, if only because I didn’t want to go into ‘building on fire’ type of forecastings, but on the other hand, we’d have already encountered annual Star 9 in the 3 Wood Luoshu Palace, so it would need be a ‘player’ somehow anyway, but I was at a loss as to what it would bode within here context. “Monthly Star 6 could well also be a weapon, a gun, a bullet, explosives, armed assault”, not thinking this was all likely, but spilling certain those associations that would come with that. Now my student gets all excited and he breaks his silence and I invite him to go ahead and give the story, and now the whole movie script falls in place. He (2) had been having a violent and near fatal to him encounter with a male (3), where he’d have gone to park his car (6) on the parking lot (5) next to his bank (8-7), to make out a cheque (4). Once in the bank, he realizes he left his cheque book (4) and pen (writing: Star 1) inside his car (6), so he (5) steps outside the buidling (8), walks away from the building (8) onto the parking lot (5) and opens the door to his car, where he finds a man (3) inside in his car minding things. Upon this man noting my student, he gets out of the car, then pulls a gun (6) to fire 2 bullets (6) at my student, one hitting his Liver (3). (As I couldn’t be sure about Star 9, but perhaps where Star 6 denotes a bullet, 6-9 (opposite positions) denotes a fired bullet, but Star 9 could well be the 9 Ki birth Star of the perpetrator, as we don’t know). During coffee break, my student then also tells me that, all these years, he had been presuming that these men (he reports to having seen 2 men, but one had been hiding) would have been out to specifically target him and that they would have been waiting on him in his car. But I told him no. “These men just common robbers, would have gathered you’d be inside the bank the whole time, long enough for them to then break into your car to steal your valuables, so it would have been your car just randomly so”. “Then, because you wanted to collect your checkbook (4) and a pen to write (1), your second Star 2 in the 4 Wood Luoshu Palace to meet annual Star 1 there for ‘hide’, ‘stealthily’ and ‘writing’, be telling me you took those men by surprise, as these would have just been thieves (1), not out on you personally. I can’t help loving 9 Ki and all that it’s good for ;)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:23:25 +0000

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