9 THE FISH GATE NEH 3:3 Jesus said somewhere …Follow me and - TopicsExpress


9 THE FISH GATE NEH 3:3 Jesus said somewhere …Follow me and I will make you fishers of men!!!! All disciples of Jesus were given this mandate. Go and make disciples of all nations…. The Greek word for disciple is “Matheteuo” it translates in its intransitive format to ‘become a pupil’ in its transitive format ‘instruct, teach, disciple’ So the primary purpose of any and every recruit to the Kingdom of God, is ‘fishing for men’, recruit others and give them all your wisdom. Now this is a very important truth, everyone is unique. When God created you, he designed a purpose for you and in that purpose he stored unique wisdom in you to fulfill that purpose. That is why no one else can do what you were appointed to do. You may be in the same ministry but you teach differently, fish differently, sing differently, you may be a farmer but the wisdom God has given you causes your maize to be bigger, you may be a cook but the way you cook beans has never been seen or heard of before. No man can preach like TD Jakes, he has many spiritual sons and daughters but believe me, however much they attempt to emulate him, there is only one TD Jakes, the others are dimming their unique selves and faking a TD Jakes persona. The cardinal error of man is what happened here in Kenya, the epic quail bubble, and it burst. Almost everyone RAN for quail, because of the perceived benefit, but only those who have a special calling for rearing them survived. Some (supposed) quail farmers ended at the start up, bought the quail houses, end of quail trail!!! Now the Holy writ proclaims… ‘How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, Who proclaim peace, who bringing good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God Reigns’ Every disciple BRINGS GOOD NEWS, and according to the standards of heaven, these are the most beautiful…there is however another standard, it is also proclaimed ominously… ‘A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lords works’… This is a terrifying scripture. Imagine that God created you to be a worshipper, at HIS ALTAR, instead you became a secular artist, and produced albums glorying yourself, your money, your popularity….the bible states that a curse rests on you!!! Brrrr… terrifying….this curse is not from men nor is it from Satan’s minions…it’s from God!! So how many are UNDER THIS CURSE EH? To remedy this we should pray this way DEAR LORD FORGIVE ME AND ALL MY ANCESTORS FOR NOT MAKING DISCIPLES OF THE NATIONS THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN TO ME/US I NOW SEEK CLARITY SO THAT I MAY KNOW WHAT MY MANDATE IS WHAT FISHING GROUND I HAVE BEEN SENT TO AND WHAT TOOLS TO USE FROM YOUR TOOL BOX GIVE ME DISCIPLINE FOR THE TASK IF I NEED TO BE TRAINED SENT TRAINERS MY WAY I DECREE THAT I WILL BE A FISHER OF MEN I WILL WORK DILIGENTLY IN THE FISHING GROUND APPOINTED TO ME I DECREE THAT NO SATANIC SCHEMES, PLOTS AND PLANS SHALL HINDER ME FROM FISHING FOR MEN IN JESUS NAME AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:12:35 +0000

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