9 Ways to Show You Care Caring is one of the greatest success - TopicsExpress


9 Ways to Show You Care Caring is one of the greatest success strategies of all. When you care people are drawn to you and want to work with you. When you care you stand out in world where many dont seem to care. But caring must be more than just a feeling to have an impact. It must be demonstrated through your actions. In this spirit here are 9 ways to show you care. I also invite you to add to the list by posting on my blog and Facebook page. I want to know how you show you care. 1. Be present. We have so many responsibilities and distractions that its tempting to listen to customers, friends, kids, etc. with only one ear (or half an ear!). You know how it goes: you make the appropriate noises during a client call (Mmmhmmm... I understand... No, that wont be a problem...) while simultaneously typing an email to someone else. Thats why giving someone your full attention is so meaningful. Being fully present says, I really care about you and what you need from me. You are my top priority right now. 2. Make it simple and clear. People are busier than ever and the more you can make their lives easier the more it shows you care about them and their time. Whether you are making technology easy to use, or simplifying the check in process at a hospital or making it easier to rent a car, simplifying says you care and creates raving fans. 3. Call customers by name. When interacting with a customer, ask his/her name - then remember it and use it. Referring to someone by name demonstrates that you see them as an individual with unique needs and preferences, as opposed to just a number or a source of income. 4. Listen more than you talk. When dealing with others many of us have a tendency to give sales pitches, explain company policies or give canned advice. Instead you should ask questions and listen to what they have to say. This lets them know you care about them and their thoughts. It also helps you better understand their concerns so you can help them. Ive certainly been working on this as a parent. Its not easy but it makes a difference. 5. Become a coach. More than ever customers wanted to be guided through the process when making a significant purchase. By coaching and guiding customers through the process you will earn their trust and let them know you care about them and their purchase. In a world where many things can be purchased online, the biggest differentiator is often a person who cares. 6. Respond quickly and touch base often. Its simple: Return calls and emails promptly. Whenever possible, try not to leave any unanswered emails or voicemails overnight. And be proactive with updates, too. Dont force a client to get in touch with you in order to learn the status of an order, for instance. Send daily or weekly updates - whatever is appropriate. We at the Jon Gordon Companies fail at this sometimes but its something I am always preaching to my team about and we always own it and improve because of it. 7. Dont make it all about business. If you dont treat people like a number they wont treat you like a number. Make an effort to learn about return clients on a personal level as well as a professional one, and follow up on what you discover. If you know that an individual recently had an important event - a wedding, birthday, or even a big presentation - ask how it went. People are surprised and pleased when you remember whats going on with them - precisely because the assumption today is that most people dont care about whats going on outside their own bubbles. 8. Focus on the details. A Starbucks executive was asked why they were so successful. He said that they do a hundred things 10 percent better than their competition. When you care everyone matters and everything matters. By focusing on the details such as clean bathrooms in a restaurant or clean sheets and extra towels at a hotel, it lets your customers know that you care. 9. Always go the extra mile. Constantly look for ways to make the service you provide just a little bit better. Even one percent more time, energy, or focus can make a big difference. Even something small like walking a customer to the door after checking them out or spending extra time with a student if you are a teacher or calling a patient after they visit your health clinic means a lot. For example, Oceanside Cleaners near my home replaces missing buttons on my dress shirts at no extra charge. Its the little things that mean a lot.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:21:23 +0000

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