900 million miles away from all of us, the Cassini spacecraft is - TopicsExpress


900 million miles away from all of us, the Cassini spacecraft is in orbit around Saturn. It looked back at us yesterday and took a picture of the earth: a tiny white dot in the skies above Saturn. I love this picture for two reasons. First, from a different point of view, from 900 million away, my fears, my insecurities , my judgements of others, doubts, misunderstandings, worries and problems become small. REALLY small. More importantly however, this picture is not really of the earth at all. Earth is just the photo bomb. This picture is really of the vastness of space. The space between my fingers, the space between the cells in my body, between al of us, between the earth and Saturn and holding every star and every galaxy, is all just one, unified, endless space. And if I (or anyone) can sit still for a moment, and just listen to silent stillness around the thoughts, feel that space around me, I might sense that one, unified, infinite space, and behold the infinite beauty and possibility that is born from it. And maybe this body and the life attached to it, temporary as it is, is just a photo bomb. Maybe the real me, the real us, is a vast, infinite field of beauty and possibility.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:11:08 +0000

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