#9237 Confession of a sociopath (or someone with sociopathic - TopicsExpress


#9237 Confession of a sociopath (or someone with sociopathic traits) Not all sociopaths cannot feel emotions, some of them can feel and empathize, but have the ability to choose not to. Think of it as something you can switch on and off at will, that is how it is for a sociopath, and the switch is off by default. Some sociopaths are just gifted in the ability to compartmentalize things in their mind, by putting the objective and emotion in separate box you can choose to ignore the emotion box and focus on the goal box, which is why sociopaths can be extremely cold and goal driven, even when achieving the goal means breaking the law or harming another person, the trademark cold rationality of a sociopath. However it is hard to focus on the emotion box and ignore the goal box, in the mind of a sociopath emotion is just another hindrance, being emotional can cloud your judgment. To further illustrate the box example, show an average person a video of heart transplant (or any gory stuff) and the person will usually turn away in disgust, but not for me, my heart rate actually drops when I watch gory vids. Its not that I cannot feel disgust, the smell of piss in wisma washrooms can almost make me puke, but Im just too interested in watching a heart beating while still attached to the body (or the arterial spray when someone had their head removed) to feel it, again compartmentalizing stuff, but this time unconsciously. Consciously ignoring a box can also be easily done, I once caused an accident with a bike rider who ended up with his toe ran over by a Honda CRV, his left toe was still connected to his leg, but only because the bone wasnt broken. I was dead calm when I exited my car, only annoyed because Ill have to fix my car afterwards. While waiting for the ambulance an indian spectator tried to get violent and I thought of responding with lethal force, I only stopped because going to prison for homicide at such young age would be foolish, and also because the guy was covered in fat I couldnt reach the heart to make sure he goes down in one strike, jugular is also out of the question with the kind of double chin they guy has, thought of going for the liver or kidneys but that will take some time before the dude actually dies, there were a number of spectators there and no way I couldve killed everyone without someone taking a picture or video of it. No, there was no fear, only cold logic. Yes, judge me all you want, most people will think I have a sick mind, but thats just how it is, this is my reality, I just cant think the way you people think. Does that mean I will one day go on a killing spree? Thats a psychopath, someone who is not in control of their mind, learn how to differentiate it. Know this, if I wanted to start a killing spree I could have done one, just rig one of the shuttle with incendiary and let it go boom during peak hour, lots of gas = lots of deaths, yay (then again diesel is less volatile than petrol, might not even work). No theres no need to freak out, I prefer my current life to a life of constantly evading law enforcements, and no that wasnt a threat, no need to check if any of the shuttle was rigged, I have absolutely no intention of blowing things up and causing terror, and thats just going to be a waste of time. I see this as an evolution (or variation, if you dont share my view) of the human mind, when rational thinking triumphs over emotions, not the other way around. Fools can be easily manipulated by subtly invoking some of their emotions, doubt, jealousy, anger is by far the easiest way to manipulate someone. Very subtly plant a seed of doubt in the person you dont like, the seed will eventually grow and do significant damage to the person. I must be a lonely person you say? Being so manipulative and incapable of feeling emotion. Yes I am a lonely person, but for years I didnt think I was lonely until recently I reconnected with a good friend from my high school times. This friend of mine made me realize how lonely I was for the past few years, but too bad my course is ending in another semester and she just finished her first year. This friend reminded me of my teenage years where I was still normal (there is a possibility that sociopathy is nurtured, someone please conduct experiments on it... oh wait the ERB, it exists just to stop you from researching the interesting stuff, just look at how the research data from concentration camps and Unit 731 benefited humanity, idiots), together with memories came a pang of sadness. I have a girlfriend, but this is different, I cant really explain how but it is different. My friend, thank you for making me realize how lonely I was for the past few years. The fun thing is, I look just like a normal guy, someone you can never suspect of being a sociopath. The ability to blend in is definitely a plus since the society seems to be all caught up in trying to help sociopaths. Sociopaths dont need your help, we just need to be left alone, were just one of you, only that we can function without annoying emotions. J. M. Admin: Hell, continue being you. I may disagree that emotions are a bad thing, but as long as youre not an ass, youre good to go :).
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:19:10 +0000

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