93 years ago a woman gave birth to a baby girl. This girl was - TopicsExpress


93 years ago a woman gave birth to a baby girl. This girl was special. Her mom loved her very much as she loved her mom. But this little girls mom passed away when she was twelve to leave her living with her brothers and sister. Her dad was still living but he couldnt take care of this little girl like his other children could. For they were all married and had a home of their own. This little girl grew into a beautiful young lady. She met this guy and as time went on they got married. They had a baby boy and it was still born. So again they try and the young lady now gives birth to her second child.. a girl. Again about 3 years later another child is born. Its a girl. Another couple of years passes and she gives birth to a boy. How could it get any better. This young girl has blossomed into a beautiful woman,married with three children.. Life is good as she knows it. They dont have much,poor and her husband is working for little of nothing. 9 years go by, children are growing and oops we are expecting again! A baby girl is born! Now they have it all.. 3 girls and 1 boy.. The husband does his best to provide for his family. And does the best he can do. The woman, cooks,cleans,takes care of the children,sews,and makes sure this family stays together!! She does as much as she can to help out to provide for this family. As the years go by and the children start to grow up, get married and leave home, the mom is sadden by her children leaving. She is also sadden as her son has to leave for the Navy. But she still has the last child thats a girl still home with her and her husband.. This child stays at home until she finishes school,turns 18 and then gets married and then shes left home. By this time the mother is really sadden for all her children have grown up,married and left home. All of her children are special to her and she loves them equally!! But the last child, the little girl just wont go far away! She just doesnt know what she would do without her mom even though shes married and now has a child of her own.. The day comes when the mother is put in the hospital because of her health! The last daughter finds out shes pregnant with her second child and she tells her mom! Her mom is in ICU in the Hospital and the daughter tells her. The mom says I know it and its gonna be a girl! The next day the mom passes on to be with God.. The last daughter just doesnt know how shes gonna go through this pregnancy without her mom. It wasnt easy!!!!! Im the last daughter and I now know how my mom felt loosing her mom! For it was 93 years ago today that my grandmother gave birth to my mom!!! My mom Opal Elizabeth Dennison Carter was born June 25,1921 and left this world Oct.14,1978 My mom may be gone but she will never be forgotten!!! Mommas hands sure did help keep her family together as well as daddys hands did!! MOM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS!!! AND THERE IS NEVER A SECOND,MINUTE,HOUR OR DAY THAT I DONT THINK OF YOU!! I HOPE IVE MADE YOU PROUD AND IVE RAISED MY KIDS AS WELL AS YOU AND DAD RAISED YOUR ALLS!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:15:25 +0000

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