957-1430 MONGOLOID BURMESE MOGH INVASION OF ARAKAN: RISE OF THE RAKHINE MOGH (Arakan’s two solitudes: Rakhine in the South and Rohingya in the North. Mongoloid invasion of Arakan and the beginning of “Kula” (Chandra Rohingya) exodus to North Arakan and Chittagong.) (11) 957 A.D. Something happened in the year 957 A.D. and historians’ record this as a significant date when Tibeto-Burman people in large numbers entered Arakan and took its control by defeating the Chandra Mahayanas Buddhists, imposing their Theravada Buddhism, the latter was adopted from the Mons in the South who in their turn took it from Sri Lanka. Similar changes didn’t happen in Bengal. (10) In Bengal, most Mahayana Buddhists were converted to Islam by Sufi mystics. With the fall of Arakan to the Tibeto-Burmans, the Chandra Indians were either pushed to the north of Arakan or some even left Arakan for Bengal. Around this time, the defeated Chandra Royal family was found to settle in Chittagong proper.The Dev Pahar, in Chittagong city named after Dev Chandra was the site of this new Mohayana Buddhist kingdom.(12) In North Arakan, mostly Chandra Hindus (lower casts also known as the Rakkhas) slowly adopted Islam converted by the already existing Muslims of Arakan and most Buddhist elites perhaps joined the Tibeto-Burnan Theraveda group or perhaps a defeated small number of Buddhist adopted Islam. Arakan became on one hand Theraveda Buddhist with largely Tibeto Burman stock, later came to be known as the “Mog/ Mug”/ Rakhines and the others were Rohingya Hindus and Muslims. Moghs settled in the south and Muslims, Hindus of Indian look alike people settled in the North. During the Chandra times and to its end in Arakan, we see the traces of Arabic names such as Rambree, Sufi sites on Myu Mountain tops, and Badre Patis in the Northern part of Arakan. From the 11th century, clearly with the Tibeto-Burman rule, Arakan began to have two solitudes, Rakhine Mogh and the Rohingya Muslims but Arakan began to look East to its mongoloid Buddhist neighbors only until the year 1430; the year Arakan’s king Noromi Kla would be deposed by Burmese invasion and he would take shelter in Gaur of Bengal. Revisionist History Writing and Rakhine Crusader like Activism: Ethnic cleansing of the Arakani Indo sematic traces A footnote to the above discussion that Rakhine ultranationalists in their attemts to purify Arakan of Muslim traces for their only Buddhist mongoloid race prove that the Buddhist civilization was there for the past 3000 years, and even Buddha visited Arakan and the Mohamuni was made in Buddha’s presence. In this ethnocentric attempt, they are not only getting rid of Muslim names from Arakan sites in Mrohaung city and in its vicinity, in doing anti Indo semantic ethnic cleansing, by getting rid of both Hindu traces and the Mohayana Buddhist traces from Dhannwadi and Vasali kingdom sites in favour of the Theraveda Rakkhapuri ultra nationalist Buddhism. In his book, Vasali and the Indianization of Arakan, Noel Singer notes, “Dhanyavti and Vasaishali on which stood Hindu temples, now been taken over by Buddhists. There is a tendency to transform Hindu gods into Buddhist deities.” “Regretably, despite Rakhine determination to eradicate Brahmanic evidence, this is unlikely to happen for a considerable time.” (13) Their narrative about the Rohingyas (Hindu-Muslim) of Arakan by the Rakhine xenophobes “starts with the British colonization of the territory in 1826 after the first Anglo-Burma War of 1824-26, as if Rohingyas had no past connection to the soil of Arakan.”(14) In this propaganda campaign, there are several Rakhine crusader like historians; they are Kanbawza Win, Aye Chan, Maung Maung, and U Khin Maung Saw. One such historian is also San Tha Aung. Noel Singer remarks: “whose vehement claims that the inhabitants of the kingdom throughout its history were devout Theravada Buddhist, it should be noted that Svarga, the Hindu paradise, and not a Buddhist one was indicated in the inscription.” He “investigated the document further in the 1970’s apart from his biased version his labors failed to produce any new revelations.” (15) No doubt, the works of these tendentious Rakine historians belittling the Rohingya presence in Arakan must have played a significant role in the present ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people in Arakan. 1044-77 Rise of Burmese pagan king Anwardhta in Burma proper with Teraveda political Buddhism, “reduces North Arakan”from a kingdom to a province of Burma. 1044-77 Rohingyas (Arakani Hindus and Muslims) left Arakan for Chittagong. Chakma Royal history says that in this war against the Burmese, Chakmas sided with the Bengalis (the Chandras) but were defeated. 1287 – Mongols under Kublai Khan conquer Pagan. Arakan revives again as a kingdom. 1406 Burmese King Min Khaung Yaza invades Arakan and Noromi-kala the king of Arakan along with his followers took asylum at Gaur court of Bengal. The Sultan welcomed Noromi kla to serve as an officer in the army.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 02:38:33 +0000

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