97. That the meticulous inquiry into the matter - TopicsExpress


97. That the meticulous inquiry into the matter through the coherent and authentic account .The exposure of the falsehood is always reconcilable with the historical event and thus the burden of proof is always lying upon the individual denying the existing facts. The onus will be shifted upon the authority when inconsistent anomalous and contradictory versions about the origin of Taj Mahal may be scientifically tested upon the yardstick of the truth. Let us begin with Badshahnama, a Shahjahan’s chronicle which discloses that the cost of scaffolding exceeded that of the entire work done regarding Mausoleun. Mr Narul Hasan Siddiqui books that a Hindu Palace was commandeered to bury Mumtaz in which Shahjahan’s fifth generation ancestor Barbar lived in Tejo Mahalaya. All these facts are to be examined through the scientific methods in order to expose the false propaganda that the Mogul invaders have not given any contribution for building the monuments. We may further examine that the mythical indo Saracen architecture medieval mosques and tombs in India were built or conquered and misused by the invaders the number of such monuments may include Mohammed Ghaus ‘s tomb in Gwalior, Salim Chisti mausoleun in Ftahepur Sikri, Nizzamuddin Kabar in Delhi, Moinuddin Chisti’s Makbara in Ajmer, Red fort Shicundera Etamatudaula at Agra, Jama Masjid, Red fort Delhi, Kutub Minar in Delhi and Sufdarjung. The disputed site of Lord Krishna temple Mathura and Vishwanath Temple at Varanasi may also be examined not only to resolve the controversy but also to curve out the animosity among the citizen in India on the ground of the religion. 98. That the extract of Badshahnama may be examined after getting them translated form Persian passage in the English rendering. On page number 403 of Badshahnama it is admitted in verse 26 to 33 that Huzurat Mumtazul Zamani whose sacred dead body was buried in Burhanpur in a garden was brought from 600 miles after six months and transported to Agra(Akbarabad). In the south of the great city there was a palace of Raja Maan Singh which was owned by Raja Jay Singh known as Tejo Mahalaya (The temple of Lord Shiva /Teji ji) And this place was selected burial of the Queen for which the great ancestral heritage, religious sanctity was associated with Raja Jai Singh who was compensated by offering the government land. Thus a palace was converted in a dome, handy readymade Mausoleum. The authority of Badshahnama is the first proof regarding the existence of the temple at the time when Huzurat Mumtazul Zamani was buried. The similar treatment were given to the different Hindu palaces and temples by converting them at as Mausoleum of Akbar at Shicandara and Humayun in Delhi and the Vishnu temple to Kutub Minar by overbearing Invader fanatic potentate specially when these monuments were constructed by Hindu Rulers. 99. That in this connection we also want to alert visitors to mediaeval buildings and students and scholars of history not to believe in translations of Arabic and Persian inscriptions presented readymade to them through earlier books. We have found in very many instances that they have been distorted in translation. For instance on the Taj Mahal the inscriber has carved his name as Amanat Khan Shirazi (an insignificant slave of the emperor Shahjahan). Anglo-Invader accounts have boosted this inscriber of letters as one of the great wonder architects of the world. Similarly on Fatehpur Sikri where a building is said to have been graced (by his presence) by Salim Chisti it is merrily ascribed to him. The true copy of the particulars of the different monuments regarding their false identity in respect of authorship attributed upon them as disclosed in the scholarly research Articles Contained in the Books Written by Shri P. N. Oak are filed herewith as marked as Annexure-No. 17 100. That we therefore advise all students of history never to take for granted the translation of Invader inscriptions provided heretofore but get them translated de novo whenever one has to make use of them. The whole question of the translation and interpretation of Invader inscriptions not only in India but throughout the world must be reopened and gone through thoroughly, for much wishful thinking has gone into presenting them in translations to non-Invaders. In fact it would be very educative to have an encyclopaedia for all Invader inscriptions and the misleading translations and interpretations they have been subjected to heretofore. As an instance of a great snare in the study of mediaeval history such exposure will be of immense educative value in warning future researchers and students of history. 101. That once the hurdle of a false Invader claim made on Akbar’s behalf is got over, we find that the fort that we see today in Agra, is the same which was owned by ancient Hindu kings like Ashok and Kanishka. After Akbar there is no serious claim made on behalf of any Invader ruler as the author of the fort. That means that the fort that we see in Agra city today is the ancient Hindu ochre fort a colour so dear to Hindus. In fact ochre is the colour of Hindu flag- a colour for which and under which they have fought for their national and cultural existence and identity –a colour which has inspired them to great deeds of valour, sacrifice, bravery, chivalry, gallantry and glory. Can that ochre colour be ever owned by Invaders? It goes against all history and tradition. 102. That despite several centuries of Invader occupation and canards of Invader authorship all the fort’s Hindu associations are intact. This is something remarkable. The two thousands year history of the fort that Keene traces turns out to be authentic. The slight hitch and doubt that he encounters gets explained away by his own very intelligent footnote that the incident of a murderer having been flung from the terrace of the palace inside the fort could not be possible if the fort had been destroyed a year earlier. The lack of any coherence in the dates of starting the fort construction and its completion is proof of the fact that the world has been buffed about the Invader origin of the fort. 103. That Invader accounts are unable to explain the name of any apartment, as to who built it, when was it built, what for it was built, what its cost was and why it has an Hindu aura about it? This is because the fort did not originally belong to the invaders from Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Khazasstan, and Uzbekstan. They were mere intruders, conquerors, and usurpers. All this discussion should convince the reader that the Red Fort in Agra is of hoary Hindu antiquity and is at least 2200 years old. 104. That one great tragedy of Indian history has been that while Indians remained subdued and gagged under alien domination for over a millenium foreigners who wielded all power in India played great havoc with Indian history merrily destroying or distorting it at will either out of sheer cunning and cussedness or through their colossal ignorance and wanton barbarism. 105. That In that process all mediaeval buildings which came under long Invader occupation came to be misused as tombs or mosques. And in course of time, thanks to alien chauvinism, court flattery and fanatic cunning, all ancient Hindu townships and building got ascribed to Invader authorship. Thus with astounding historical naivete Ahmedabad was, by its sheer name, assumed to have been founded by Ahmedshah, Tughlaqabad by Tughlaq Shah and Ferozabad by Ferozshah. 106. That If one is to be guided by such puerile logic and shallow historical scholarship then one will have to conclude that the city of Allahabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh must have been founded by the Invader God Allah himself. This is with regard to mediaeval townships. But even for mediaeval buildings the same nonchalant, nondescript method is followed. Thus it is blatantly stated that if a building is known as Salimgarh it must have been built by or for Sheikh Salim Chisti (emperor Akbar’s fancied spiritual preceptor) or Prince Salim (Akbar’s heir apparent)or some other Salim. Likewise if a building is called Jahangiri Mahal it is, by that very token insisted that it must have been built by Prince Salim after ascending the throne as Jahangir. Such superficial derivations and conclusions about authorship make nonsense of all historical research methodology. 107. That During nearly 1100 years of alien rule in India most of her history has been distorted or destroyed. All massive, majestic and alluring historic Hindu constructions in India, from Kashmir to Cape Comorin ,have got ascribed to alien Invader invaders such as Turks, Afghans,Iranians ,Arabs, Abyssinians and Moguls out of sheer usurpation or conquest. Such misappropriated constructions include forts, palaces, mansions, sera’s, roads, bridges, wells, canals and even road- side mile-pillars. Misuse of a colossal number of Hindu temples, palaces and mansions as tombs and mosque for several centuries has misled many generations of the publics, tourists, students and scholars of history all over the world into believing that those buildings were originally commissioned by the Invaders. 108. That the intelligentsia of Hindusthan has been somewhat slow in assimilating that finding is a measure of the havoc that history causes in the minds of a subject people by making it impervious even to logic and legal proof. While warrior -patriots like Rana Pratap and the great Chhatrapati Shivaji spill their purple blood to emancipate the land and its people should it not be the patriotic duty of historians to spill at least some blue-black ink for an academic re-conquest of occupied buildings falsely ascribed to alien conquerors? 109. That there was E. B. Havell, a great architect, and one endowed with deep insight. Havell has debunked the claim that the Taj Mahal is the product of any non-Hindu architectural style. In discussing the architecture of the Taj Mahal and the claim of some historians that an Italian named Veroneo may have been its designer, Mr. Kanwar Lal quotes Mr.Havell thus: “So if Veroneo was so deeply versed in Indian craft tradition that he could design a lotus dome after the rules laid down in the Shilpa Shastras, the dome itself, built by Asiatic craftsmen would not have been his. The dome of Taj at Agra and the dome of Ibrahim’s tomb (in Bijapur) both are constructed on the same principles. They are nearly of the same dimensions, and a fact unnoticed by Fergusson and his followers, the contours of both correspond exactly, except that the lotus crown of the Taj at Agra tapers more finely and the lotus petals at the springing of the dome are inlaid instead of being sculptured. The Taj Mahal is, infact, exactly such a building as one would expect to be created in India …by a group of master builders inheriting the traditions of Buddhist and Hindu buildings. The plan which consists of a central dome chamber surrounded by four small domed chambers, follows the plan of an Indian pancharatna, or “five jewelled” temple. Its prototype as have shown elsewhere is found in the Buddhist temple of Chandi Sewa in Java and in the sculptured stupa shrines of Ajanta. Neither Shahjahan nor his court builders, much less an obscure Italian adventurer can claim the whole merit of its achievements.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:29:33 +0000

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