99 Essential Positive Affirmations BY STEVEN AITCHISON You - TopicsExpress


99 Essential Positive Affirmations BY STEVEN AITCHISON You might think repeating positive affirmations to yourself seems like new age hoo hah, which is kind of what I thought when I first heard Émile Coué’s famous affirmation: Every day in every way I am getting better and better How on earth can repeating a positive affirmation like this help you? It’s all to do with beliefs. Your beliefs underpin every single thought you make, every action you take, every goal you set, every value you have, every habit your form, ultimately leading you to your destiny in life. One of the ways your beliefs are formed in life is through repetition e.g. if you were constantly told as a child just how kind you are, chances are you’ll believe that you are a kind person. This can have negative consequences as well such as being told you are no good enough at something, again, chances are you’ll have the belief that you are not good in a particular area of your life. This is how abusers break down their victims, by constantly telling them how they are no goo, nobody wants them, therefore making them reliant on their abuser. That’s a very brief outline about beliefs, and obviously there’s a lot more to it than that, but you get the picture. So, we can use this knowledge of beliefs and how repetition can help us form new beliefs by using affirmations. Cognitive Dissonance When you first start using affirmations your mind will try and reject them. This is perfectly natural as there’s something called cognitive dissonance happening, which means you are trying to hold two conflicting beliefs at the same time. For example, at the moment, you might believe that you will never have money in your life, and when you start using affirmations like: ‘money flows easily to me in my life’, your mind automatically says ‘Eh! wait a minute, that’s bull. For years you’ve been telling me I’ll never have money, and now you’re saying money flows easily to me…what the hell?’ Cognitive dissonance This cognitive dissonance will fade over time and the more you use affirmations the more your old beliefs will fade away. So, lets get on to the affirmations. The Most Powerful Words in the Universe By Jason Mangrum / Excerpt from Uberman! Become Super Human Spiritual masters say that enlightenment can happen in an instant or like the blooming of a lotus flower. The same can be said of realizations, and learning. As you read a book on any subject you will have moments that you stop reading just long enough to say Ah ha! or Wow, thats how that works or thats why that happens! When you first look at a new math equation and it makes no sense, then later after you learn the process, you can look at the same equation again and you not only understand it you can solve it. The point I am trying to make is this: There is a point where something is gained from any knowledge. First you are ignorant, and then you inquire, next you realize, now you have the power of that knowledge and can apply it to your world. People will sell you courses and charge you thousands of dollars to beat around the bush and flush out the truth I am about to tell you. I have used this method that consists of only 2 words to create anything I want usually within 24 hours if not instantly. I have told these words to very few close friends, accompanied with the warning Be careful what you wish for… There is only one guideline when using these key words and I will get to that immediately after I tell you what these words are. All you have to do is know what you want to make this work. I Command! Then put it in this sentence: I Command – (Then just state whatever you want) I know it sounds too simple. Your disbelief in this might actually aid in its power. You remain detached from the outcome because it just sounds too easy This couldnt possibly work, Ive tried everything – your mind will say. Good. What can it hurt to seriously give this a try? I Command all day, everyday and I have come to realize the power I have over the outcome of my life. So have those I have told these words to through their own experiences with it. Of course your mind may just dismiss the acquisition of your desires as coincidental. But does it really matter? After all you got what you wanted and never worried about how. If you honestly begin to use this take into consideration that this command once made is not concerned about the how it will happen. The power will just take the shortest possible path to accomplishment. All things great and small are possible when you use the words I Command, but whatever they are be prepared. Of course you can always change what you want if you realize its not what you thought it would be. It is never too late in this world and nothing is final. The only thing constant in this world is change. You can either be conscious of your creating or dragged along oblivious to it. There Is Only One Rule One limitation and this is important if you truly want to apply this knowledge. You cannot command something for or concerning someone else. Such as: I command so-and-so to fall in love with me instead use- I command my true love to make himself known to me Thats it. These words are yet to fail and you can command anything within the realm of your imagination – nothing is impossible. All you have to do is command, and then look for the command to be fulfilled. Now with everything I have noticed there is an evolution that happens after the I Command has proven itself to you. More and more all you have to do is clearly know what you want. Soon the verbal commands arent even nessesary. I hope you have read something here that helps you. If you apply it be prepared to get what you want. Just be ready for the change. 99 Essential Positive Affirmations All these positive affirmations are headed under different categories so you can find the ones you might like to use much quicker. ***********You Have Courage************ I am a courageous person I am not afraid to take small risks in life I live life to the full I always say yes to new experiences I like to meet new people I have the courage to stand up for myself I see change as an opportunity to grow ************You Are A Happy Person************ I have a positive outlook in life My future is very positive Every day I am grateful for my life My life is improving every single day in every single way I always have a positive attitude when I am with others I am always happy I am grateful for all the good things in my life ************You Love Yourself************ I love myself deeply I love myself for who I am as a person I am capable of great things in life I appreciate all the good qualities I have I enjoy my own company I have many talents I appreciate all my positive character traits ************You Are Optimistic************ My internal voice is optimistic at all times My internal voice is positive and pushing me towards success I love myself deeply I believe I can succeed in anything I set my mind to I believe in myself deeply My internal voice is positive and strong I have a naturally positive internal dialogue ***********You Have Strong Beliefs About Money************ I deserve money in my life I believe in myself and the ability to make money Money is a good thing and will improve my life Being financially independent is possible for me I am entitled to be rich I am good with money and naturally seek it out I am making more money now than ever before ************You Have A Millionaire Mindset************ I have a burning desire to make money I deserve to make a million I become more and more determined with every setback I always aim for the top I have every right to make large amounts of money I thrive under pressure I am a millionaire ************You Can Say No Easily************ I can say No when I need to I feel confident to turn people down I always say no to time wasters I have control over every aspect of my life I always stand up to people I say no to unproductive activities I am a very assertive person ************You Are confident************ I am very self confident I am a naturally self confident person I am growing more and more confident with each passing day I am outgoing and self confident in social situations I believe in myself and know I can do anything I put my mind to I am confident just being myself I effortlessly start conversations with strangers ************You Can Lose Weight************ I can lose weight easily Every day I am getting slimmer I only eat healthy food I enjoy the weight loss process I burn calories quickly I will achieve my weight loss target I have a very high metabolism ************You Are Productive************ I am extremely productive I get things done within my target time I am naturally productive I find it easy to work consistently and be productive I just naturally get things done and take action when required I am a productive, motivated and highly driven person I am productive and successful in all area ************You Have Attracted Your Soul Mate************ You will find my soul mate soon My soul mate is looking for me right now I will know my soul mate as soon as I meet them My soul mate is getting closer My perfect partner is just around the corner My soul mate and I will naturally find each other I am destined to meet my soul mate ************You Attract Success************ I am attracting success in my life I make my own success I always follow my plans through to completion I deserve massive success I am always positive I rise to any challenge that comes my way I can and will achieve all of my dreams ************You Live The Law of Attraction************ The law of attraction is working for me every day My positive thoughts attracts positive circumstances I am attracting strong friendships into my life I am attracting financial success into my life I have the power to attract whatever I want in life I am attracting love into my life I am always attracting abundance into mylife ************You Are a Positive Thinker************ I am a positive person People admire my positive outlook I can do anything I set my mind to I am positive at all times I always expect to succeed I see opportunities everywhere My Past experiences provide learning opportunities My future is looking brighter and brighter Well, that’s 99 Positive Affirmations for you. I really hope you can use them in your own life, helping you to become the person you want to be. stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog/99-essential-positive-affirmations/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:19:44 +0000

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