9th July 2013 Written Episode The Episode starts with Kumud - TopicsExpress


9th July 2013 Written Episode The Episode starts with Kumud sitting alone somewhere. She says Saras has broken all his promises, from today this moon will be the witness of your cheat. She says today is the last time I m crying for you, I will forget you because you don’t deserve my love. She cries and looks at her mahendi. She says I break every dream that I had with you, go away from my life. Kusum comes and holds Kumud, she asks her to stop crying. Kumud hugs Kusum and cries. Kusum says lets go from here. Badimaa comes to Vidychatur and Guniyal and sees them tensed and crying. Guniyal asks why did Saras do like this. Badimaa says I prayed for Kumud a lot, what happened to me should not happen with Kumud. Badimaa says whatever happened with Kumud, I’m responsible for it. I had blind faith in Saras, because he was Saraswati’s son, but he has Laxminandan’s blood. I have trusted him. Vidyachatur says don’t blame yourself, it was my mistake. Earlier he said no to Kumud, even then I said yes to him. When he asked for her hand infront of everyone, I should have said him no. Guniyal says what will happen with Kumud, how will she live now. She had lots of dreams in her eyes, I cannot see her shattered. Guniyal says I cannot see her. Vidyachatur says Kumud’s marriage will take place on the same day as planned. Badimaa says don’t decide anything in a hurry. Vidyachatur says I’m her father, I will take a right decision. I will show Laxminandan and Saras how much valuable is Kumud for us. Kumud comes there and says I will marry where my father asks me to do, I’m ready. She says your daughter will go from this house tomorrow itself. Scene shifts to Saras: Saras is thinking about Kumud’s words. Saras calls Kumud but the call does not connect. Saras calls Sunny. Sunny comes and asks what happened. Saras says I did a mistake, I have to go to India, I can’t let Kumud’s dreams torn apart. Scene shifts to Vidyachatur: Vidyachatur and Guniyal are thinking what they have planned and what’s happening. Vidyachatur is angry on Saras. He says Saras has hurt me a lot, I think whatever happened is good, its better if Kumud goes to those people who value her and give her respect. They will keep Kumud very happy. Yash asks what name should he write of the groom and bride outside the door. Vidyachatur says Kumud and Pramad. Kumud is sitting in her room thinking about Saras. Badimaa comes to her and calls her name. Badimaa says are you fine, we cannot do compromise with our hearts. You said yes to the proposal for your family’s sake, right? I can see the no written in your eyes. Kumud is silent. Badimaa says your dreams are hurting you, how would you sleep. Badimaa cries and hugs her. Kumud controls her tears. She says I won’t cry, I will compromise. Scene shifts to Saras: Sunny asks Saras to go and bring Kumud with him. Saras says thanks, if you were not there for me, I would have not realized my mistake. Saras says what will we say if anyone else receives my call. I have decided that I will go to Kumud and apologize to everyone. He says even if I don’t say anything, Kumud will know everything by seeing my eyes, I hope she forgives me. Sunny says Kumud is waiting for you and everything will be fine, bring Kumud with you. Kumud is seeing those items which she kept for remembering Saras. She thinks about her past. Kusum and Kumari come to Kumud. Kusum says lets vacant this almarah, they try to make Kumud smile. Kusum says why are you thinking about him, I won’t let you cry for him. Kumud says I will remove everything from my heart and my life. Kumud gathers everything and burns it. She says I m ending my relation with Saras with fire. She throws all those things in the fire. Kumari and Kusum see this and cry. Kumud thinks about Saras. She walks around the fire with water in the earthen pot. She throws the pot down and it breaks. She says everything turned to ash, why to cry now. Saras reaches Ratnagiri. He says I m coming Kumud, to rectify my every mistake. Please forgive me if you can. Precap: Vidyachatur asks Kumud should I talk to Laxminandan, Kumud says no, he has said no for the second time. Saras reached the place. Its dark.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 14:36:05 +0000

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