A- isha (rd.) depicts- one night I missed Rasulallah sallallaahu - TopicsExpress


A- isha (rd.) depicts- one night I missed Rasulallah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam in my bed, so I came out of house. He was in baqi (a graveyard) and said were u afraid that Allah & his Rasul is injust for u? I said- o rasul of Allah I thaught u’re with another wife of yours. He said- but Allah the blessed & exhalted descends on the NIGHT MIDDLE of SHA’BAAN (lailatul nisfi min sha’baan, which we call SHABE BARAT) on the sky above the earth & forgives more people than the FUR of the SHEEP of BANU QALB (a tribe of ARAB) (Tirmijee sharif, book of SIYAM, Musnad E Imam Ahmad- 26077, Ibn Mazah- 1389). Some people misstates SHABE BARAT, saying BARAT is a FARSI word & is not described in QURAAN & HADITS. It’s true that BARAT is a FARSI word & not mentioned in QURAAN- HADITS in this name. but look @ the HADITS above. The phrase NIGHT MIDDLE OF SHA’BAAN is the night which we, the people of our country, call SHABE BARAT. There is three hadits regarding SHABE BARAT in SIHAH SITTAH book IBN MAZAH, one in TIRMIJEE SHARIF, one in MUSNAD E IMAM AHMAD, one in SAHEEH IBN HIBBAN. So there is no doubt about the existence of SHABE BARAT. Some people DENIES this & some people OVERDOES. Eating HALUA- RUTI, LIGHTING, exploding EXPLOSIVE, visiting grave to grave & many unauthorized culture takes place in this night. But these things ARE NOT APPROVED by QURAAN- HADITS. So don’t do these & don’t hamper the SANCTITY of this night. No specific AMAAL is important in this night. Moreover no amaal is necessary. It’s not proper to make the night a festival or observe the night in a congregational way. If anyone want, he can personally pray or do any AMAAL authorized by QURAAN- HADITS. So don’t overdo. And also those who deny this I wanna say to him don’t do this, cause this is approved by many reliable HADITS. May Allah give us the right sense of DEEN. AAMEEN. বিষয়বস্তুর স্বত্বাধিকার ও সম্পূর্ণ দায় কেবলমাত্র প্রকাশকারীর...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:56:44 +0000

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