A 30-DAY GUIDE FOR NEW BELIEVERS by JOHN D. BECKETT DAY 25: CALLING How can I serve God in my work? Our primary calling is always to Christ. Os Guinness in The Call says, “First and foremost we are called to Someone (God), not to something…or to somewhere.” But he adds that we who are called to Christ are also called vocationally. God’s plan for us includes our work. As a young believer I thought that to fully serve God I had to go into some kind of “full-time” Christian work—as a missionary, a minister or a church worker. These vocations seemed more worthy. Yet my interests and background seemed to point toward a career in engineering and business. I’m glad I took time to ask the Lord for guidance. I didn’t hear an audible voice, but I sensed Him saying, “John, I’ve called you to business. Do it with all your heart.” This clarity freed me to pursue business as my vocation—a journey which now spans five decades. Many Christians face a similar dilemma. The perception is that there is a sharp divide between the “sacred” and the “secular” with the sacred being more noble, more worthy and the secular less noble, less worthy. But neither Jesus nor His followers held this view. A. W. Tozer, in The Pursuit of God, says: “The sacred-secular antithesis has no foundation in the New Testament.” God calls people to many honorable endeavors—from educators to engineers, from farmers to factory workers to moms at home with their children. The challenge is to keep our activities in harmony with God’s design, rather than in opposition to that design. As a reality check we can ask, “If Christ were standing right beside me in my daily work, would I do anything differently?” To gain clarity on your call, consider: What am I good at? What do I really enjoy? What do my education and experiences point to? Where do I sense God’s pleasure? You will spend much of your life at work. Make it more than earning a paycheck. Find the reward of knowing where God has called you, and do it to the best of your ability. KEY VERSE: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” (Colossians 3:23). p.s. Here’s a great on-line resource: lovingmonday
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:22:54 +0000

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