A: AMAZING S: SKILLFUL H: HARD-WORKING L: LOVING E: EFFERVESCENT Y: YOUTHFUL ENTHUSIASM A Very Happy And Blessed 22nd Birthday To My Beautiful Daughter Ashley!!! Her Mother and I knew very early, that this tiny baby was extraordinary! Looking at pictures, putting words together 6 to 8 months before its time, Reading books not the ones that 18 month old toddler would read. Climbing 12 stairs so early, we both watched as she went to Dayspring Christian Academy...top of the class. Loved learning new things, and what a competitive spirit - where did she get that? I had the honor of saying the commencement, when she graduated from 8th grade. Attleboro High School was tough; but she was ready and prepared to take on the tough subjects; as well as the difficult honor courses. Totally tenacious in wanting to be the best of the best - National Honor Society, all kinds of awards, an outstanding swimmer for the Attleboro relay team - awesome with the breast stroke; and spoke at graduation, as The Student Council President. The best speech of the night by far - just ask anyone that was there! Travelled to Europe on two different trips and earned most of the money by herself. Friends would you please wish this Precious girl of mine A very Happy Birthday - Thank you from the bottom of my heart! SB "Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older, he will remain upon it." Proverbs 22:6
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 17:39:45 +0000

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