A Act today. Now is the day you make the decision to care for the - TopicsExpress


A Act today. Now is the day you make the decision to care for the environment. Every action counts. Avoid increasing your daily carbon (CO2) footprint -- the main greenhouse gas contributing to the warming atmosphere. Simple steps, like carpooling, or walking instead of driving can help! Ask Google for a WED Doodle at proposals@google B Bring your own eco-bag or basket when going to the market or grocery store, to avoid using plastic bags. Bike to your destination! It’s not just earth-friendly, it’s healthy too! C Consume smartly. The less waste we throw into landfills, the less harmful greenhouse gases are released into the planet’s warming atmosphere. Curb climate change by reducing your CO2 footprint! Clean up! Organize a trash collection drive in your neighborhood. D Discover an alternative to using traditional wrapping paper for birthday gifts – like scarves, old newspapers or discarded maps or magazines. E E-mail your friends and colleagues about World Environment Day and invite them to take action! Explore how you can save electricity at home, at work or school. F Friend us on Facebook. Go to https://facebook/unep.org and share your WED activity Find out more about your carbon footprint. G Learn about the Green Passport, a more earth-friendly way to travel. Google all the ways you can go Green. H Host an event—an art exhibit, tree-planting or football match- on WED! Find out about the Happy Planet Index. A green carbon footprint is one of the ingredients of happiness. I Instagram your #WED2014 #WorldEnvironmentDay activity Invite people to learn about the harmful effects of climate change, request an expert to hold a class or lecture at your local community center Improve the insulation of your home – it will really help reduce your energy consumption…and greenhouse gas emissions. J Join the WED community in more than 70 countries in celebrating the biggest day for positive environmental action. K Keep your recyclable bottles, bottle caps and craft them into badges, games and more. Keep your cup! When traveling on airplanes, ask to reuse your plastic cup. L Learn about Small Island Developing States at un.org/en/islands2014 Launch a newspaper and bottle collection drive in your neighborhood. M Mobilize your networks! Message your friends about WED — Facebook, Twitter (icons), orkut, SMS, text, phone, email — it doesn’t matter how, just get the word out! N No one is an island. The environmental issues that face the islands are the issues that face us all. Notify everyone you know about World Environment Day. O Optimize the use of your washing machine – use the cold-wash option and significantly save energy and reduce your daily carbon emissions. Offset your travel whenever possible – most airlines provide an option to do this when you book your tickets. Opt for public transport whenever possible. Saving energy not only cuts down on fossil fuel burning (a major source of heat-inducing CO2), it also helps you save money! P Post the WED logo, video and theme on your website or Facebook and spread the word. Plant a tree, better yet, organize a tree-planting drive on WED! Planet Earth is our shared island – let’s take action together to protect it. Q Quantify how much money you could save each cold winter if you lowered the temperature inside your home by 2 degrees Celsius. It could reduce your energy consumption by 14 percent!!! R Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The less waste we throw into landfills, the less harmful greenhouse gases are released into the planet’s atmosphere. Register a WED activity today unep.org/wed/register S Support Sports that promote environmental causes. Learn more Switch your light bulbs to fluorescents. Save energy and money! T Tweet #WorldEnvironmentDay #WED2014 #Islands2014 #Climate2014 and help spread the word about the environment. Travel green. Try to reduce your environmental impact by taking public transportation. U Understand your options. Learn about the small ways you, as an individual, can make a positive impact on the environment. V Visit your local botanic garden or town center and learn about how to nurture nature. Videoblog about your activity! Vanish energy vampires— appliances that suck energy even when not being used – by unplugging them or using power strips. W Watch your Water use! Check your home for leaky faucets, take shorter showers and turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. X Explore un.org/en/islands2014 and unep.org/wed to find out how to take action for WED and the islands Y Young people have the chance to make a greener world. Encourage your class or club to hold an event for WED. You can make a difference – individual actions, when multiplied, can make an exponential difference to the planet! Z Go for Zero waste. Use natural resources wisely, choosing options with the least use of air, soil, water and the least emission of harmful greenhouse gases.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 22:49:00 +0000

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