A-Are You Single?? Nope B-Birthday?? 12 January C-Crush?? Dont - TopicsExpress


A-Are You Single?? Nope B-Birthday?? 12 January C-Crush?? Dont Have Any D-Drink I Last Had?? Juice E-Easiest Person To Talk To?? Zanele F-Favourite Song Of All Time?? Why Would You Stay By Kem G-Good At?? Laughing And Dancing :v H-Hottest Chick And Guy I Know?? Keziah And My Boyfie I-Inlove With?? My Boyfie J-Jealous Of?? Seeing My Boyfie With Another Girl :( K-Known As?? Kuhle L-Loved By?? Family And Friends M-Movie?? Why Did I Get Married Name Of School?? Metropolitan International College O-One Wish?? To Have Money P-Person I Last Kissed?? N... Q-Question I Always Ask Myself?? Who Came Up The Idea Of School R-Reason To Smile?? Im Almost Done With School :) S-Song I Listened To?? Can I Have This Dance T-Time I Woke Up?? 8 Something V-Violent Moment?? None W-Worst Fear?? Dying And God X-Ex Ill Never Forget?? None Y-Your Last Hug?? Yesterday Z-Zlast Time You Cried?? Dont Remember
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:25:44 +0000

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