A BATTLE I WITNESSED AND WANTS TO SHARE WITH YOU...READ THIS It was really a fierce battle, most have been defeated through this battle, others think they cant make it again just because the battle is so tough. So many still hope they can survive this battle but have no idea of how to win this battle? This battle is the BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND. So many people are willing to live a victorious life but always get defeated by the mind. The first step to come back to win this battle is if you understand that your mind is a battlefield. Proverbs 4:23 says Guard your heart(mind) with all diligence for out of it comes the issues of life. The Concise English dictionary defines Guard as Watching over in order to protect, control or restrict. The second definition says Prevent from being harmed This simply tells you that your victory in life is narrowed down to your responsibility to protect your mind. Do you want to be a success,as my friend would always say Mind your mind. This battle will never be won until you change your strategy. Your strategy in life is your actions and your actions wont change until your mind does. You must be accountable on what you allow in the picture screen of your mind, that will determine if you will win or lose this battle. Even your journey to eternity depends on how you guard your mind. Heaven is real. Forward and share with friends. This is CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:39:09 +0000

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