A BEAUTIFUL INSPIRING AND IMAAN BOOSTER STORY INSHAALLAH: Abdullah ibnul- Al- Mubaarak:I (once) went out to perform Hajj in Allahs sacred house(Makkah) and visit his messangers(Masjid). On my way i saw a dark outline of a person. I tried to see who it was and finally found that she was an old woman wearing a loose garment and a scarf. I said to her:Assalaamu Alaykum(Peace be upon you) and she said: Salaamun (Peace be upon you), A word from the Lord(Allah) ,Most Merciful.(sura Ya-,seen,36:58). I then asked her:May Allah have mercy on you! what are you doing in this place? and she answered: And whom Allah sends astray, for him ,there is no guide.(Suah Az-Zumar,39:23).Upon this i realised that she had lost her way. I asked her: Where are you going? she said:Glorified(and Exalted) be he(Allah) who took his slave (Muhammad) for a journey by a night from A-Masjidul-Haram(at Makkah) to the farthest Mosque(in Jerusalem).(surah aL- Isra,17:1).I then understood that she had performed Hajj and was going to the sacred house in Jerusalem. I then sked her: How long have you been here? For three nights(Surah Maryam.19:10).I cannot see any food with you.. It is he who feeds me and give me to drink.(Surah Ash-shuara,26:79). What do you make wudhu(ablution) with then?. And if you do not find water, then take for yourselves clean earth(tayammum)(Surah an -nisai4:43). I have some food with me. Would you like to have some?. Then complete your fast till nightfall.(surah al- baqarah, 2:187). But we are allowed not to fast while making a journey, you know. And that you fast is better for you if only you know.(surah al- baqarah, 2:184). Why do you not talk to me as i talk to you?. Not a word does he(or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him(or her)ready(to record it).(surah qaaf, 50:18). Who are you then. And follow not(O man, i.e say not,do not,witness not, e.t.c) that of which you have no knowledge( for example ones saying: i have seen or ;i have heard, while he has not seen or heard). Verily! the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of which of those of you will be questioned(by Allah).(surah al-israa, 17:36). i am sorry, i have made a mistake.. No reproach on you this day, may Allah forgive you.(surah yusuf, 12:92). Would you like to mount my camel so that you can catch up with the caravan?. And whatever good you do,(be sure) Allah knows it.(surah al-baqarah,2:270). when i made the camel kneel down, she said: Tell the believing men to lower their gaze(from looking at forbidden things).(surah an-nur,24:30). I lowered my gaze and when she was about to mount the camel, this latter get startled, and as a result of this, tore her clothes, she said:And whatever a misfortune befalls you, it is because of your hands have earned.(surah ash-shura, 42:30). I then told her to mount it and she said: Glory to him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it(by our efforts), and Verily to our lord we indeed are to return(surah az-zukhruf,43:13-14). She took hold of the rein while i walked along, shouting out. She said at this:And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice.(surah luqman, 31:19). I then started walking slowly and reciting some poetry.But she said: So recite as much of Quran as may be easy for you(surah al-muzzammil,73:20). I said to her:you have truly received abundant good.. She said in reply of this :But none remember except men of understanding.(surah al-baqarah,2:269). Ater a short while I asked her :Are you married?. O you believe! ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.(surah al-maidah,5:105)..Came the reply. I then kept silent until we caught up with the caravan.I asked her: who do you have in this caravan?. She said: Wealth and Children are the adornment of the life of this world.(surah al-kahf,18:46).This answer gave me the idea that she had children. So I asked her: And what do they do in Hajj?.She said:And the land-marks(sign-posts,etc, during the day) and by the stars(during the night), they (mankind) guide themselves.(surah an-nahl,16:16). I understood by this that, they work as caravan guides. When we reached the buildings I asked her: Who do you know living here?.She said: And Allah did take Ibraheem as an intimate friend(surah an-nisaa,4:125). And to Musaa Allah spoke directly.(surah an-nisaa, 4:164). 0 yahyaa! hold fast to the scripture.(surah maryam, 19:12). I then called out: O Ibraheem! O Musaa! O Yahyaa! and the three young men with shinning faces came forward. When they sat down, she said to them:Send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town, and let him find which is the good lawful food, and bring some of that to you.(surah al-kahf,18:19). One of them left and return soon afterwards with some food which he placed it infront of me. She said:Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past.(surah al-haqqah,69:24).I addressed her sons, saying:I wont touch your food, until you tell me of your mothers story..They said:Our mother has taken upon herself the task of speaking nothing but the verses of the Quran lest she would commit a sin which could lead to Allahs wrath upon her. And she has been in this habbit for forty(40) years now. I said:That is the GRACE of Allah, which he bestows on whom he will. And Allah is the owner of the mighty GRACE.(SURAH AL-JUMUAH,62:4). *Refer Qasasul-arab,2/190. also The ingredients for a happy marriage by Sheikh Nasir Al-Omar,pg no.53-57.WALLAHU AALAM.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:54:22 +0000

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