A BEAUTIFUL STORY OF DIGGING ZAMZAM WELL: ------------------------------------- .Ali bin Abi Talib related that,‘Abdul-Muttalib said,While I was sleeping in Al-Hijr[a part of Al-Ka‘bah in northern side].Someone came to me and said,Dig Taibah[Taibah comes from the word tayyib ,which means goodness].And what is Taibah? I asked but he then left me.On the following day I returned to my place of sleep [in Al-Hijr] .When I feel asleep there,He came to me [again] and said,Dig Barrah[Barrah comes from the word Birr which means goodness and purity].And what is Barrah? I asked he [again] left me. On the following day I returned to my place of sleep and When I feel asleep there,He came to me [again] and said,Dig Al-Madnoonah.And what is Al-Madnoonah?.I asked.but he [again without answering me] left me. On the following day I returned to my place of sleep and When I feel asleep there,He came to me and said,Dig zamzam,And what is zamzam?I asked.He said,It[is a well that] never runs dry,and it is not dispraised [i.e it is fresh and good].It is a drink for the greater pilgrims[Those who come for Hajj].And it is situated[so go and find it there] between excrement and blood,at the eyehole of the Al-Asim crow[i.e the crow that has whiteness in its legs],at the village of the ants After he was made aware of its significance and location of zamzam well, ‘Abdul-Muttalib went out[to search for it] with an axe.He took along with him Al-Haarith ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib,who was at the time,‘Abdul-Muttalibs only son.When ‘Abdul-Muttalib saw the edge of the well, he magnified Allah[sw] by exclaimingAllahu akbar[Alah is the Greatest]!. By the sound of his voice, the Qureish knew that he found what he had been looking for,and so they went,they said O ‘Abdul-Muttalib,This indeed is the well of our father,Ismaaeeel and we have right over it,so make us a partner to you in it[i.e in its ownership]. He said, I will not do so;this is a matter for I,and not you,have been specifically chosen,and I have been given among you. They said then do us justice,for we will not leave you alone,but will instead dispute with you over it.He saidThen appoint whomsoever you wish,and We will take the matter to him for Judgement.. They said W e choose sooothsayer of Banu Sad Ibn Hudhaim. He saidYes[agreed]. The man he had chosen lived in the border regions of Ash-Shaam[The area of Ash-Shaam consists of Syria and neighbouring lands].With a group of companion from His subtribe-the children of ‘Abd Munaf- ‘Abdul-Muttalib set out for the journey to Ash-Shaam.Joining them on the journey was group of people from every subtribe of the Quraish.Between them and their destination was vast a desert land,void of any village,or townships;so the journey was not going to be easy one. And it proved difficult indeed,for,at some point during the journey,‘Abdul-Muttalib and his companions ran out of out.They then remain thirsty for so long that they were sure that death was imminent.The other subtribes however did have water,but when the children of ‘Abd Munaf asked them for some,they refused, saying.We are in the desert,and we fear that what happened to you will happen to us[if we are too free with our water].. ‘Abdul-Muttalib said to his companions, I think each man among you should now bury his own grave,using the strength he still has with him.Whenever a man among you dies,the others can push him into his hole and then bury him,until there is remain one man,since it is better for one man to be lost[without a burial] than for the entire caravan to be lost. They saidGood indeed is the command you have given us. Each man among them dug his grave and then set down ,waiting for his death. But then ‘Abdul-Muttalib said to them,By Allah, for us to kill ourselves in this manner will not make us deserving of[praise] on earth,and we should not be weak like this.Perhaps Allah will provide us with water in some land[ahead of us],so prepare to move on.They were getting ready to leave,when ‘Abdul-Muttalib made his camel stand up and gushing forth from underneath its hooves was a spring of fresh water. ‘Abdul-Muttalib and his companions exclaimedAllahuakbar[Allah is the Greatest]. They all drank water and filled their containers. They then invited the other subtribes of the Quraish,who, all the while,had been watching their every move. ‘Abdul-Muttalib said,Come for this water for Allah has indeed provided us with drink..They came,drank,and filled their containers with water.They then said,By Allah we will never again enter into a dispute with you regarding Zamzam,for the one who has given you this water to drink in this barren land,is indeed the one who gave you Zamzam to drink.So return to your water rightly-guided..There being no point to go to the soothsayer of Banu Sad,they all returned to Makkah,and no one thereafter argued about ‘Abdul-Muttalibs right to have complete control over the Zamzam well. After he related this narration Ibn Ishaaq wrotewrote this is what has reached me from Ali bin Abi Talib[ra] regarding Zamzam[As-sserah An Nabawiyyah by Ibn Hishaam(1/142-155);also As-Siyaar wal-Maghazee by Ibn Ishaq[pg 24-25];and Ad-Dalaail by Al-Baihaqee[1/93-94].Ibn Ishaq explicitly mentioned that he heard the narration[from the next narrator] and so the chain of narration is authentic.Also it is corroborated by a Mursal narration from Az-Zuhree.The hadith is authentic by way of Al-Baihaqee and Ibn Hishaam]. ******** AND ALLAH KNOWS BEST************ _______________________________________________
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:32:44 +0000

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