A BIOLOGICAL DISCOVERY BIOLOGY is a study of life in all of its - TopicsExpress


A BIOLOGICAL DISCOVERY BIOLOGY is a study of life in all of its varied forms and manifestations. It knows much of mineral life, metal life, vegetable life, animal life, and human life. But another life, the mother of all life, has been ignored by both scientists and modern thinkers. Its effect upon humanity is one of the miracles of human experience. Jesus promised it. John 10:10: I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Contrast of Two Words There are two Greek words which are translated life. One is psuche which means natural, human life ; and the other, zoe, Eternal Life or Gods Life. This New Kind of Life is Gods Nature. It is called Eternal Life in the Word. This Life produces certain changes in man. People can see the effect at once of this Life in a man, in his habits, his speech. It changes conduct, corrects habits, and forms new ones. The people who have it are known as the twice-born men, the New Creation men. Its effect on the lives and habits and qualities of people is often amazing. Boys and girls who receive it in their teens seldom, if ever, sow wild oats. There are no child criminals who have it. No girls in houses of prostitution have it. No drunkards have it. No confirmed cigarette users have it. No criminals have it. No crooks or thieves or crooked politicians have it. 1 John 3:15 says: And ye know that no murderer has Eternal Life abiding in him. The saloon men and barkeepers do not have it. Infidels and agnostics do not have it. The cultured scholastic agnostic knows nothing of it. A significant fact: If the men and women who are spending their time and money in philanthropic of forts to help the less-favored knew what Eternal Life did for men, it would change their whole outlook on philanthropy. When criminals and the lawless receive Eternal Life, they become law-abiding citizens and worthy examples in society. Thieves become honest; drunkards become sober. No case is incurable. It destroys the cause of friction in homes and every department of life. In all walks of life it eliminates selfishness, and in its place gives a new kind of Love and a new outlook on life. Two Kinds of Life
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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