A BITTER FOE FASHIONED FRIENDLY T.V channels are displaying - TopicsExpress


A BITTER FOE FASHIONED FRIENDLY T.V channels are displaying extensive U.S aid from the people of America for the people of Pakistan. But people in Pakistan find not any glimpse of it and are astonished where that aid goes. On the contrary very deteriorating and worstening day by day, conditions prevail through out the country. Not only the U.S aids, but prior to 2010 floods in Pakistan, international donor counties philanthropically used to aid Pakistan in its natural calamities. In 2010 they stopped donating in cash to the government of Pakistan, because of discovered corruption in the distribution of the aid and not reaching upto the grass root levels but devovered officially. So they stopped paying in cash and in 2010 floods they adopted to deliver the aid in kind and household commodities. Even in that form corruption of the ruling party became evident. As the aid articles were distributed among its members and workers instead of the actual flood affected and displaced poor people. The aided commodities all went into the stocks of the party workers and there from to the markets. The flood victims of 2010 are still displaced and passing life on road sides in thatches and rugged huts and complaining about the indifference of the government authorities. Thus present set up in Pakistan has completely lost its credibility and marked corrupt. How can we expect any aid from abroad, for the people, victims of present so heavy floods of 2014. Sharif brothers have started delivering cheques among the flood affected people. This is done to ensure the philanthropists and the donors that their aided cash will directly go to the actual deserving people, so they may pay the aids in cash to the government of Pakistan. Let us see how this plan works in gaining the confidence of the philanthropists. Not the religious extremism, but true democratic vision, as taught by Quaid-e-Azam can lead Pakistan out of present crisis says Altaf Hussain leader of MQM, Altaf Bhai rest assured that most of the people of Pakistan have lost faith in the religion and have adopted modern liberal way of life. What to say about religious extremism. Only a minority of people finding no other consolation under present acutely tense circumstances refer to Allah and prays for the relief from the agony created by the present setup for governance of the country. People can not make the two ends meet, they fail to afford life and are committing suicides. Only corrupts are flourishing and building plazas. At Karachi, snatching, robbing, Bhatta, Killing are not religious extremisms but modern time activity. Though PTI and PAT protesting at Islamabad are not specifically demanding the implementation of the Shariah system in the country nor promoting the religious extremisms but they broad mindedly are demanding basic human rights, end of the corruption in vogue, rigging in the elections, law and order and double standards. Up holding of constitution and induction of democratic values. Even then MQM remaining aloof of PTI and PAT means something. Having witnessed the powers of Israel and America at Gaza Palestine. All Muslim countries have shrunk with fears and have submitted to America. 10 Arabian countries are reported by TV news to have agreed to America to provide their forces to fight against Islamic terrorists rebelling at Iraq and Syria. President Obama of America, speaking on 13th anniversary of 9/11 announced that we have completely finished Al-Qaida and Usama Bin Ladin. Now we are ready to help Iraq and Syria to fight against ISIS rebellions. So far the declaration of President Obama of American is concerned, to provide material help to Iraq and Syria governments not by ground forces but air raids only, implies to seek the consent of two governments for drone attacks over the ISIS rebellions, in their countries. That seems the same policy of drone attacks as conducted in Pakistan with the consent of the past government of Pakistan. That caused collateral damages in the country and also killed thousands of innocent people including women and children. If Iraqi and Syrian governments are ready to bear such grave consequences in the name of American help to eliminate rebellions, then go ahead with the help offer. Basically they are more happier in getting the Muslims killed by the hands of Muslims for that they remain creating intrigues among Muslim societies, and selfish people fall easy pray to their evil designs. But those who refuse them, are removed off their way. Quaid-e-Azam went to Ziarat, in health but returned dead. Liaquat Ali Khan had shown blow of his hand to them and was shot dead P.M Hussain Shaheed Soharwardi was also shot dead, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had talked about the third world with patrol bomb, and was judicially hanged, Benazir had independent views she was attacked to gain public sympathy for PPP in order to bring it to power of Pakistan. All these deaths went undiscovered. Wiped off the way as if never existed. Presently Imran Khan and Tahir-ul-Qadri have raised slogans of independence from the system and are struggling to release the people from the cruel clutches of brutal intrigues appareled in friendly helping costume. Imran and Tahir lives are at stake. If they succeed in the mission, it will be the success of the whole nation to snatch independence from the usurpers of it. May Almighty Allah protect and make them success, and give us courage to fight for our basic human rights and make our country a real welfare democratic state and Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:34:21 +0000

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