A BLACK SUNDAY ON KAWURI TOWN BORNO STATE The Sunday attack on a - TopicsExpress


A BLACK SUNDAY ON KAWURI TOWN BORNO STATE The Sunday attack on a market day at Kawuri Village in Konduga LGA of Borno State is one specter of gruesome terror that leaves ordinary defenseless civilians at the mercy of the terrorist. On a normal business routine, the Boko Harrams had always had a field day unleashing bouts of terror without hindrance or restriction in spite of the cumbersome, albeit, unsophisticated military operations in the State. I sincerely cried from sympathy and pity that a people besieged in their own town on a happy market day would be left to suffer hours of high profile terror attacks in broad day light without any form of rescue mounted to save them. About fifty people were killed; two-third of the whole town set ablaze, food items and vehicles, including a police van carted away. What comes to question now is whether the entire military operations in Borno State coupled with the highfaluting defense budget has any significance. Nigerians now lie between the devil and the deep blue sea. It is either we waste the tax payers’ money on an inept military that cannot defend even itself or we stop spending and everyone but the Boko Harams become annihilated. And since the Sunday attacks on Kawuri town which is about forty-five kilometers from the capital city, I haven’t heard any mention of it from the northern elders- I mean the ACF, except their comments on the election time table. Some thousands of fortunate survivors of the unfortunate terror attack were forced to traverse a distance of forty-five kilometers as they flee from Kawuri town to Maiduguri as if there was no NEMA in the country to offer them emergency logistics assistance on the way. As a food for thought, Allah in His Glorious Qur’an said: And whatever strikes you of disaster – it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much. (Ash-Shura – Ayah 30). For that matter, Nigerians in general and Muslims in particular should begin to reflect inward to find out where we have erred that Allah is testing us with disasters left right and centre. This is with a view to changing the error of our ways. Allah in His Glorious Qur’an said: That is because Allah would not change a favor which He bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing. (Al – Anfal - Ayah 53).
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:32:03 +0000

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