A BREAKDOWN OF PETERS SERMON ON PENTECOST I have studied the - TopicsExpress


A BREAKDOWN OF PETERS SERMON ON PENTECOST I have studied the sermons in the bible and have seen that there are certain principles and elements in all of them.Today I want to give an outline of one sermon that we find in the book of Acts known as Peters Pentecostal Sermon . Im not going to write the whole sermon but you can go and reference them in your Bible in Acts chapter 2 beginning at verse 14.Im only going to point out certain elements and divine principles that every evangelistic sermon must have: FIRST THE CERTAIN PRINCIPLES OF THE SERMON 1) Peter begins with an explanation:this takes the form of a personal testimony of how Joels prophecy was fulfilled. 2)Peter continues with a proclamation:asserting the facts of Jesus career:His mighty works,His death,His resurrection Acts 2:22-24 3)Peter makes an accusation:This Jesus..you crucified by the hands of lawless men. Notice Peter does not shrink from using a direct you. 4)Peter proceeds with a disputation-Acts 2:25-35:shows how the facts of the story of Jesus fit in with the prophecies of O.T. 5)Peter builds to a declaration:God has made Him both Lord and Christ,this Jesus Whom you crucified 6)Peter concludes with an invitation to:Repent,and be baptized..for the remission of sins..Acts2:38 NOW THE CERTAIN ELEMENTS OF THE SERMON 1)It appeals to scripture:23 verses or more than half of Peters sermon are direct quotations of scripture 2)Peters sermon is Christ centered..or centered in Christ:every verse of scripture should lead us to confront Christ.Peter preached from the scripture and from the scripture he preached Christ! 3)Conviction of sin:Peters sermon brought conviction and concern to the hears (Acts2:37) they were pricked to the heart..and said..what shall we do? True evangelism is primarily a call to repentance! 4)It leads to a place of decision:Peter preached for a verdict!We are always to preach for a verdict as Joshua did when he said;choose you this day whom ye will serve... These principles and elements ought to be found in every evangelistic sermon. By:Edward J Navarro
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 22:24:16 +0000

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