A BRIEF CONTRAST The Greatest Man in History unrivaled is the - TopicsExpress


A BRIEF CONTRAST The Greatest Man in History unrivaled is the Lord JESUS CHRIST. He had no servants and no slaves, yet they called Him MASTER. He had no academic degree, yet they called Him TEACHER. He taught infallible teachings, yet they accused Him of blasphemy. He had no medicines, yet they called Him HEALER. He had no army, yet Kings Feared Him. He was God the Creator, yet they dubbed Him King of the Jews. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He redeemed mankind, yet they called Him martyr. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today and forevermore. I feel honored and blessed to serve such a leader who loves us to the end! AND HE IS COMING AGAIN to judge the Living and the Dead! The French General Napoleon Bonaparte is quoted to have said, “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but on what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. But Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him.” Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ never killed and never ordered any killings; He never conducted any military campaigns; He preached and practiced righteousness, love, peace, redemption and forgiveness. Contrary to His orders and His perfect example, certain Christians committed many atrocities. Thus, their actions were anti-Christian, condemned by the Lord God. To the contrary, instead of following the infallible example of the Lord Jesus Christ, Muhammad of Islam bathed his prophetic life with the innocent blood of tens of thousands of people (65 military campaigns in his last 10 years). His successors, at his orders, invaded many nations and shed the blood of millions confiscating their abundance, their women and their children, and imposing upon them filthy Islam. Thus, their actions were thoroughly Islamic, ordered by their prophet and sanctioned by the Muslim Allah!!! Irrational beings cannot make the distinction; but rational beings see a vast difference between the two. In the final consummation of time, the Islamic Camp will be defeated by the Lord Jesus and will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Muhammad and his followers will be the eternal losers, and the Lord Jesus Christ and His followers will be the eternal winners. When contrasted with the Lord Jesus, Muhammad is a slain dwarf fallen at the feet of the Giant, the Lord Jesus Christ. When informed of the true nature of Islam, decent people are leaving Islam in large numbers. But evil people continue to cling to Islam. For your own eternal salvation, I plead with you: Reject the outrageously immoral impostor Muhammad Ibn `Abdallah, and follow the God-Man, the perfect Lord Jesus Christ! Sign and pray the following prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I declare to You my personal rejection of Islam, its deity, its prophet, its Qur’ān and its immorality. I thank You for coming to earth and dying for my personal salvation. I sincerely confess to You my lost sinful condition, which calls for Your righteous judgment upon me. Often I have disobeyed Your Precious Word and frequently I have broken Your Perfect Laws. Helplessly, I am deeply enslaved to sin. Therefore, I know that I deserve Your just condemnation of me to everlasting punishment in the Lake of Fire. However, now and in this place, I come to You accepting Your death and resurrection on my behalf and for my benefit, as my own Substitute. I ask You, as You have promised in Your Infallible Word, to become my personal Savior and Lord of my lifestyle. I ask You to turn me away from my life of sin, enabling me to make generous restitution to all against whom I have sinned, forgiving all my sins, making me a new creature in Christ, giving me the new birth into the Family of God, and granting me eternal life. I also ask You to help me from now on to live the Christian life pleasing to You. I thank You for answering this my sincere and earnest prayer, by saving me at this moment and in this place. Amen. My Signature _________________________________ Your friend for the Word of God & for the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Dr. Habib J. Khoury, B.A., M.A., M.DIV., TH.D. P. S. For my Bible-teaching articles, please follow this link ► blog.bamicounseling.org/ To register for my free Bible-teaching monthly BAMI ONLINE NEWSLETTER, please follow this link ► app.expressemailmarketing/Survey.aspx?SFID=171290 then go to your email inbox and confirm your registration. Confirmation is necessary for subscription. To order my publications and/or my counseling services securely online, including quantity discounts, please follow this link: bamicounseling.org/ To visit my Facebook Page, the Biblical Counseling & Literature Center, please follow this link: facebook/drkhourycounseling
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:06:10 +0000

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