A BRIEF SUMMARY OF EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE TOURISTS. An Edited Version of a Presentation at the 1997 Ozark UFO Convention: EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTERVENTION: HYBRIDS, GENETIC ENGINEERING AND THE SECRET LIFE Extra-terrestrials exist. There is too much documented evidence, too many witnesses, for any rational person to think otherwise. This is a brief summary of the extra-terrestrial groups. There are three different categories of extra-terrestrials as defined by myself. The bad guys, the little gray aliens, are the ones you always hear about in most presentations. They abduct and exploit humans. The good guys, called the Peacekeepers, are ones you rarely hear about, perhaps because they look human rather than humanoid, thus, not visually exciting; also contact with them is more difficult to remember and the memories are more difficult to retrieve. I will explain this memory difficulty shortly. With some of the human looking alien civilizations, one could be sitting next to you right at this moment and you wouldnt know they were an extra-terrestrial. The Peacekeepers prevent the bad guys from running rampant exploiting humanity and earth. The final group is composed of disinterested extra-terrestrial civilizations. I call them tourists. This type passes through from time to time and sometimes picks up a human for study. However, it is nothing more than curiosity and they are aware of the planetary rules; human returned unharmed. In all the years I have been attending these conferences, all you hear about are the gray aliens, alien hardware that might exist, abductions, sliced-up livestock and to some extent, hybrids. Never what it all means or what is going on.Today, you are going to hear what is going on from a new perspective. You are going to learn about the neglected aspect of the extra-terrestrial equation; the Peacekeepers. In the short amount of time that I have to speak, I cannot do the subject justice. However, I will talk fast. The story has to begin with fairly modern human history but the good guys have been watching over mankind for a long time and the bad guys have been trying to exploit mankind for a long time. There is a planetary charter enforced by a consortium of powerful extraterrestrial civilizations that states No extra-terrestrial civilization can exploit or directly control humanity. The Peacekeepers task is to enforce this planetary policy. The loophole in the policy is that anything that has an aspect of human or earth in it is considered a part of earth. The Peacekeepers realized that eventually the gray aliens would figure this out and make their move to integrate themselves into humans as soon as human technology reached the point where they could do so. The key factor is that humans had to provide the means; human knowledge and technology had to evolve to a point that the gray aliens could utilize it for their agenda. The charter specifically prohibits extra-terrestrials from officially providing hardware. They can tell you about, even tell you how to build it, but they cant do it for you. Anticipating this move the Peacekeepers began following genetic lines of human families between 350-400 years ago to find suitable host vehicles to counteract the threat from the gray aliens when the time arrived. Although 400 years sounds like a long time, the average life span of a Peacekeeper extra-terrestrial is 10,000 earth years. The reason for the gray alien hybridization program is that they are a dying civilization. Currently, they live a few hundred earth years although in times past, they lived much longer. Around 15,000 years ago, they lived 1200-2000 earth years. This has been rapidly declining. With their reproductive capacity failing and their longevity diminishing, the only hope they have of continuing their civilization is by creating a viable hybrid with a human. The gray aliens want this planet for their own. If their hybridization programs succeeds, they will fulfill the loophole and have a more superior being than humans but being part human, the planetary policy, and the enforcement associated with it, does not apply. The Peacekeepers solution to this problem is genetically engineered humans who will counteract the gray hybrids when it becomes necessary. Thus, an alien hybrid will not be allowed to dominate humanity because they will be neutralized by a superior, human being that exceeds the capacity of the typical gray alien. It needs to be mentioned that the least sophisticated extra-terrestrial is vastly superior to a human. This superiority can take the form of physical strength but usually does not. The alien technology is superior and their personal electro-magnetic field is so strong that capacities that humans call extra-sensory, such as telepathy and telekinesis, is routine for the average alien. Some do it naturally, others use technology to boost inherent abilities; abilities that humans also have dormant within them.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:18:42 +0000

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