A Battle is enraging. Believe it or not, Satan the Devil is - TopicsExpress


A Battle is enraging. Believe it or not, Satan the Devil is attacking and persecuting the Church in ways YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT! So what is this danger and how can you not fall into its devious trap? Most have heard of Herbert W Armstrong. In 1979, The State of California came after the Church body, and Herbert W Armstrong. The Church had a corporation, called the World Wide Church of God INC, among other organizations to finish the Matt 24:14 commission and prophecy, or the Work of God which was being done through the efforts of Herbert W Armstrong. The Church was supporting the apostle in the work of God. All the monies, assets, properties etc went through WCG INC. Now, the corporation WCG Inc was a 501(c)(3) tax exempt religious organization. The Church and Mr.Armstrong before 1979 wasnt required by Law to say they were a Church not just a not-for profit religious organization. They like many of the Churches, assumed that the state would recognize the difference. The State had restrictions on 501(c)(3) religious organizations which was passed through the Johnson Amendment. But the government before always stayed with the constitution, believing that Churches were tax exempt automatically and that the government couldnt regulate a church, and so those restrictions didnt apply to them. But in 1979, The State of California attacked the Church by calling the WCG INC a religious organization and not a church, throwing the first amendment out the window. And since religious organizations were governed by the State, they said that they had a right to place it into receivership until the claims of pilfering, mismanagement of funds were cleared. They was merging Church and State. They fired Herbert W Armstrong, and placed in their own leadership. But Herbert W Armstrong was in Tuscon Arizona, and he reopened the work out of his new office and home in Tuscon. So the work wasnt stopped as the State of California intended it to. Now, in this time, Herbert W Armstrong created a Corporation sole which means, that only one member could be apart of it. Himself. It was an organization intended for religious purposes, a 501(c)(3). But Mr.Armstrong mentioned a mandate in the papers of that organization. That mandate was 508(c)(1)(a). He was claiming that mandate to show recognition to the State and the federal government that he was a CHURCH protected by the United States Constitution, and not just a religious organization. Thus he removed all the restrictions that are placed on religious organizations such as 501(c)(3)s. Now all the money, assets, properties, of the church went through this corporation sole. He was considered the steward of the Churchs assets. Herbert W Armstrong co-wrote and passed through California legislation, the Petris Bill which placed a hands off policy of the Churches of California. The State was stopped in its tracks! They could not regulate the WCG INC or any other Church. So at the end of the court battle, the State had recognized that indeed the WCG INC was a church and not a corporation. The Church however isnt the corporation, it is a spiritual organism, but according to mans laws the vehicle of the Church(The organization) is apart of the Church as it is governed by the Church. So the States attempt to take over the corporation that the Church was using to do its work, shows that they were truly trying to destroy the work of God, and the Church membership if they did not comply. So Herbert W Armstrong created a corporation sole. So in order to get to the Church, (as Satan was persecuting the woman, the Church, because he knows he has a short time left) they first had to go through him(Herbert W Armstrong). This is important to note. In the early eighties, Herbert W Armstrong created an Advisory Council of Elders to help assist him in the Corporation sole. In the papers of the Corporation sole he said that if he(Herbert Armstrong) was to die, the power of the corporation sole would eventually be given to the advisory council of elders. They would have control of the money, the properties, the assets, the tithes etc of the Church. But only if the Church membership would be deemed unfit to have this power first. So now realize this. If Mr.Armstrong died who would benefit from his death? Answer: the Advisory Council of Elders. Now who had control of the heart of the Church and the work after Mr.Armstrongs death? Answer: The Advisory Council of Elders Remember Herbert W Armstrong said that men were waiting around him like vultures waiting for him to die to take over the Church. Knowing who was in the ONLY Position to take over opens up a world of new perspectives on what actually happened. Now, after Mr.Armstrongs convenient death, the ministry began to change the doctrines of the Church. Now, the Advisory Council of Elders at the time of Mr.Armstrongs death consisted of these familiar names: Roderick C Meridith, Richard Ames, Aaron Dean, Ralph Helge(advisory role as attorney), Joseph W Tkach Sr, among others. When Mr.Armstrong died he was evaluating Joseph Tkach Sr for the role of the head of the Board of Directors of WCG INC not the corporation sole. Since Mr.Armstrong died without making a decision, the advisory Council of Elders made that decision. Remember Ralph Helge is the one who wrote to the Church that Mr.Armstrong supposedly chose a successor, Joseph Tkach Sr. However, Mr.Armstrong in one of his bible studies, stated that he would NEVER put Joe Tkach over the ministry. He also stated in another place, that he(Herbert Armstrong) could not pick a successor BECAUSE HE HAD NO AUTHORITY TO. So the only ones who say that Mr.Armstrong picked a successor are the same ones who lied they wasnt changing the doctrines of the Church. All other evidence shows that Mr.Armstrong didnt. note that. So the ministry began to teach the changes to the Church brethren. The Brethren began to leave the church in exodus after exodus, and so the Church became to be looked at as being unfit so the power and assets went to the Advisory Council of Elders. In 1986 the Government had changed the laws regarding 501(c)(3) organizations. Now, Churches seeking recognition by the State as a 501(c)3,(which provided grants, loans etc) they had to sign a NEWLY WRITTEN contract. And if the said Church would pass all the tests the State put it through, the State would grant them tax exemption by 501(c)(3). The could only be called a Church if they passed the states tests. Which is baffling since the Church is AUTOMATICALLY tax exempt by the Bill of Rights. But the extra money in the government grants and access to large loans entices the Churches. So they sign up. In 1991 the Advisory Council of Elders switched the corporation sole name from Herbert W Armstrong to Joseph W Tkach. Thus giving all the power to Joseph Tkach Sr. But REMEMBER that the Advisory Council of Elders was in control before that. Joseph Tkach was just head of the Board of Directors of WCG INC. But he was apart of the advisory council of Elders as well. In 1986 the laws changed and so they had to renew the papers of the WCG Inc, and corporation sole. The time period of evaluation from the State to become 501(c)(3) is five years. Which would end in 1991. So they couldnt change power to Joseph Tkach until that period was over. The pieces begin to make sense. Now the enticement that the State uses to get churches to become 501(c)(3) organizations is large amounts of money. Joseph Tkach Sr, and the rest of the ministry was teaching that they were Continuing in the work of Herbert W Armstrong. They were using this to get the funding to do it. They was trying to go to the Kings of the World in saying they was finishing the Matt 24:14 commission. Now the people were scattering. They left the WCG. And so the WCG sent out ministers to start new Churches, to catch the people as a net. Each of those organizations became 501(c)(3) with the new set of laws and regulations. They all claim they are continue in the work of Mr.Armstrong or the work of God, the Matt 24:14 Commission. But they all have signed contracts with the state! Now if they break the regulations the state has and/or will place on them, their tax exemption status will be revoked, and they have to pay all back taxes back to the day they signed up. And so they could all go to jail with Tax evasion! Now what are the regulations you might ask? That is open to discussion, as the federal government can add more to the list, but it does include Sunday worship services(prayer, bible school, picnic etc), and it also include the investors(the tithe paying members) of that organization to be held as collateral for any debt of the Church! So eventually the members BECOME SLAVES, by supporting the said organization with their money. Remember the said 501(c)(3)organization is to keep the regulations of the State whenever they apply it to them. So if they do not have to keep most of them now, they will have to in the future! And THAT IS THE DANGER TODAY! The COGs have signed up to this! Mr.Armstrong rejected it, and placed himself as a safeguard for the Church, with a corporation sole. But none of these COG leaders want to protect the Church, and so they revert back to the position the Church was in before 1979. They do not have a corporation sole. God says that Mr.Armstrong was given a commission, a prophecy, a burden in Isaiah 22. In verse 25 God says it was finished when Mr.Armstrong died. Now In Jeremiah 23:26-40, God says not to take on that Matt 24:14 prophecy/commission! And yet so many are becoming 501(c)(3) and joining with Babylon for the funding to do that work! And because they are not obeying Gods commands, they are going to go into slavery! And the people(as God says in Jeremiah 23)that support them(by sending money to that corporation, that image or idol of the Beast system/government) THEY ARE GOING INTO SLAVERY INTO THE GREAT TRIBULATION! (Isaiah 46:1-2) The Image of the Beast is a church. And so these Churches are aligning themselves to make the people accept the mark of the Beast. But notice what God says of those who do not receive that Mark? The only way to escape the coming tribulation is to COME OUT FROM BABYLON, and walk on faith, and trust God, and Holding fast to what was taught through the End Time Elijah Herbert W Armstrong. That takes faith. The Matt 24:14 prophecy was fulfilled with Herbert W Armstrong. In trying to take on that work, you are disobeying God. And you must obey Gods command to Hold fast to what was taught through him. He prepared the way for the Church and thus for Christs second coming. If these COGS do not teach the same, the teachings of the Bible, they are leading you away into Bondage(and you can read about them in Malachi 2). Obadiah shows those who are turning the people of God over to Babylon! DONT FALL INTO THEIR TRAPS!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:45:23 +0000

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