A Beloved Leader. When the righteous are in rule, common man will - TopicsExpress


A Beloved Leader. When the righteous are in rule, common man will celebrate. A wise leader will have a vision and they will share it with everyone who will listen. A kind leader will attend to others, all others. Not just others that look like them, talk like them and act like them. A focused leader will continue, even when they are criticized by others from their own household who feel like they are better than they are. The title of King or Queen means nothing to them. It does not intimidate them from being kind to others who are no part of the anarchy. A strong leader will sacrifice many things, including their own safety to uphold what is fair and honest for their fellow brethren. A great leader will be serving others including their enemies and those that despise them. A fair leader will incline their ear to listen to the opinions of others, even though He may not agree. Another mans opinion is just as valuable as His. A good leader will promote unity, love, he will bear the same burdens as those he is leading. He will laugh, cry and rejoice with his people. Today I am grieved because I see a lack of good leadership in our Country. Today I bow my head and I pray for our leader to repent before the Civil unrest that is taking place sparks a massive riot among my people. Who are my people? They are black, they are white, they are red, they come from all four corners of the earth. They are a group of believers that answer to a Higher Power. They do not answer to the wisdom of man but seek a wisdom that comes from a Higher place. Please I ask everyone that reads this to call out for Peace from a pure heart. Lets pray also for our police officers, those in authority and responsible for keeping order. God Speed, Peace, Grace and Mercy..
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:51:41 +0000

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