A Blast from the Past. From the bulletin of the North Main church - TopicsExpress


A Blast from the Past. From the bulletin of the North Main church of Christ, Gladewater, TX, Feb. 11, 1996. A Church’s Mission Individual Christians, members of the body of Christ, are not left to wander along alone. God ordained that His people be organized. Note that the local congregation is the only organization ordained by God. Why did God organize disciples to form churches of Christ? What role does God intend each congregation to play in its community? Is it political? Each member must respect governing authorities, but the Bible nowhere indicates churches were organized for political purposes. No church in the New Testament became a political power. Thus churches are not organized for boycotts, strikes, petitions or to fight for/against political issues. Is it social? Social ills have been reality since the dawn of society. In combating them many churches set themselves forth as a type of Community Grab Bag from which area citizens can draw forth food, clothing, housing, educational programs, employment services, medical benefits in the form of hospitals, clinics, homes for children, unwed mothers, old folds, runaways, et al. Concerned individuals have always done what they could, but God did not organize His churches to reform society. Is it recreational? Work and play have both been the concern of enlightened men and women. Many churches offer full programs of parties, banquets, athletics and other forms of entertainment. Yet folks were entertaining themselves long before the first church was organized. God’s word says nothing to direct churches into such. When a congregation did stray it was reprimanded (I Corinthians 11:22, 34). Is it spiritual? There is something which could not have been done without the organization of churches. Brethren could meet to sing, pray, have the Lord’s Supper, give to a common fund and learn the apostle’s doctrine. Consider also that until a church was set in order each Christian was on his own as far as spreading the gospel. Whit the advent of the churches there came an organized force to evangelize the world. Churches sent out preachers (Acts 11:22) and sent wages to others (II Corinthians 11:8). Politics. Social reform. Recreation. All that was going on before the churches and exists today without any involvement of the churches. Churches were organized that spiritual people sharing together a spiritual fellowship in Christ might work toward spiritual goals. The organization is ordained: congregations. Their mission is ordained: edify, evangelize, relieve needy brethren. We have no authority to reorganize the churches or to redesign their work. To do so is to go beyond what is written (I Corinthians 4:6). This we dare not do. Author unknown, probably Bill Jeter. He was the minister at that time. Think on these things. I offer a challenge to all that read this. Can you produce Bible authority for anything you do? Does your local religious organization get involved in political events? Where is God’s authority for that? Does your local religious organization get involved in taking care of social problems? Where is God’s authority for that? Does your local religious organization get involved in recreational programs? Where is God’s authority for that? Does your local religious organization sing, pray, take of the Lord’s Supper, give to a common fund, learn the apostle’s doctrine, evangelize, edify, relieve needy brethren, and/or support preachers at home and far away? Where is God’s authority for that? Do you have an organization greater than the local group? Where is God’s authority for that? The question stated plainly is - Can you give Book, Chapter and Verse from the Bible for the things the local religious organization you are a part of does? If not, then there is a good chance you/they are going against God’s will. If you have any kind of religious bent then you know where going against God’s will take you. Mike Stubbs
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:53:27 +0000

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