A Brief Compendium of NEWS Analyses Over The Months About The Most - TopicsExpress


A Brief Compendium of NEWS Analyses Over The Months About The Most Transparent Administration In History: James Risen, Surveillance and Obama’s Threat to Journalism - By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan 8/14/14: democracynow.org/blog/2014/8/14/james_risen_surveillance_and_obamas_threat The Obama administration’s espionage case against alleged CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling is expected to come to trial soon, six years after he was indicted. In addition to Sterling, also on trial will be a central pillar of our democratic society: press freedom… There is a reason why journalism is protected by the U.S. Constitution: A free press is an essential check and balance, necessary to hold those in power accountable. Journalism is essential to the functioning of a democratic society… * Barack Obama: The Least Transparent President in History - By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan 3/27/14 democracynow.org/blog/2014/3/27/barack_obama_the_least_transparent_president “My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.” So wrote President Barack Obama, back on Jan. 29, 2009, just days into his presidency. “Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.” — Now, six years into the Obama administration, his promise of “a new era of open Government” seems just another grand promise, cynically broken. * Journalism groups rally around a petition supporting James Risen — The Supreme Court ruled against the NYT reporter, who is refusing to reveal sources - By Norman Solomon 8/4/14 cjr.org/the_kicker/risen_petition.php?page=all Ten months after the Committee to Protect Journalists issued its scathing report “The Obama Administration and the Press,” journalists and potential whistleblowers continue to face unprecedented surveillance and legal jeopardy... * New York Times Reporter: — Obama Administration Is Greatest Enemy Of Press Freedom In A Generation 3/27/14 huffingtonpost/2014/03/25/james-risen-obama-administration-enemy_n_5027083.html New York Times reporter James Risen did not mince words in his recent comments about the Obama administration. — Risen is currently fighting a legal battle to avoid having to reveal his sources in court, and his case is one of several in the White Houses war on leaks... * The Accelerating Assault on Journalism — Some media figures applaud the criminalization of investigative reporting - By FAIR 8/27/13: fair.org/take-action/media-advisories/the-accelerating-assault-on-journalism/ While whistleblowers have been the chief targets of the harsh crackdown on media challenges to official secrecy, journalists themselves are increasingly in the government sights...
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:57:26 +0000

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