A Buddhist monk, denied his selfish thoughts and desires, lived a - TopicsExpress


A Buddhist monk, denied his selfish thoughts and desires, lived a life of self denial and poverty, and not to harm any living being. Then he got very sick, went to the hospital, was diagnosed with both yellow fever and malaria. Sadly he died for 3 days, his body was decaying and his heart stopped beating. His body was prepared for cremation. But my mind and spirit were fully alert in another realm. I was alone, crossed a river, and I saw a terrible lake of fire. He saw a demon and asked him his name. The demon said, I am the king of hell, the destroyer. He saw his late Buddhist teacher burning in hell, and asked the demon, why such a good and great teacher shd suffer here. The demon replied, Yes he was a good teacher, but he did not believe in Jesus Christ. That is why he is in hell. Another man with long hair and robe. He asked who is this? The demon said, this is the one you worship, Katama Buddha. I protested that Katama had good ethics, good moral character. The demon replied, It doesnt matter how good he was, he is here bcos he did not believe in the Eternal God. A 2nd demon with 10 horns asked me, Are going into this lake of fire. I replied, No, Am here to observe. The 2nd demon said, you are right, you came here just to observe, I cannot find your name here. You must go back the way you came. After 3 hours of walking, I came to a fork, the left road was wide and the right was narrow. I took the left road, 2 men were 300 yards in front of me. I tried to catch up with them, but couldnt. So I went back to the fork. I watched the men, when they got to the end, they were stabbed and cried out in pain. I realized the bigger road ended in great danger. I took the right, soon the road was made of gold. I met a man, asked him his name. He said, he is the one that holds the key to heaven. Heaven is a very, very Beautiful Place. You cannot go there now, but if you follow the Lord Jesus Christ, you can go there after your life on earth is finished. His name is Peter. He told me to look to the North and see GOD create man. I saw the Eternal GOD from a distance. GOD spoke to an Angel, Let us make man. The Angel pleaded with GOD, pls dont make man, he will do wrong and grieve You. But GOD created man anyway. Peter said, go back to Earth, tell the people: Those who worship Buddha and idols, those who give offering to monks to earn merit, all those who dont believe in Jesus, Will Go To Hell. Your new name is Paul. I didnt want to go back, I wanted to go to Heaven. The Angel opened the Book, but my name was not written there. You must Return, Accept Christ and Testify about Jesus to the Buddhist people. I walked back, and soon came to a Ladder that reached from Heaven down to mid earth. I saw many Angels going up and down, reporting names of people who believe in Jesus, and people who dont. Then I returned, I was in a box, there was weeping, I started to move. My mum and dad shouted, he is alive. I sat upright, but the people cried, he is a ghost and they ran away. Some remained. I told them the things I saw and heard. Told them that only the Christians know the Truth. Everything in Buddhism is a lie. How about you? Do you believe in Jesus as your Saviour. You Must Repent from your sin. You Must believe that Jesus died to Save you. Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven for All people, and All religion.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:38:09 +0000

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