A CALL FROM A SAS MAN Two of my high school classmates are - TopicsExpress


A CALL FROM A SAS MAN Two of my high school classmates are staunch political associates of SAS; one is a member of the House of Representatives, the other a former leader of a SAS youth support group. They are aware I am opposed to SAS’ brand of politics, but they have not stopped relating with me. The former called me two days ago over my recent Facebook post which, to him, suggested that I believed in the Australian Stephen Daviss revelation on the sponsors of Boko Haram. I do not necessarily share ll his views; I will itemize them as follows: 1. Dr Stephen Davies’ revelations were masterminded by the Borno State government in order to tarnish SAS’s image. 2. SAS is not a sponsor of Boko Haram; he is a victim of it having lost a family member and many political associates to BH. 3. “ECOMOG” has no connection with Boko Haram. The late leader of ECOMOG, Ibrahim Duhu, was picked up and unjustly killed by the security operatives on suspicion of connection with BH. Duhu could not even slap a person let alone kill human beings. 4. SAS was a rich man even before he became governor; he made his money as an IBB and Abatcha “boy”. So his private jets were purchased from legitimate earnings. 5. SAS’s quarrel with Kashim Shettima is not about power, but corruption. None of SAS’s commissioners had a house worth even 100 million, but some commissioners in KSM’s government have purchased houses worth hundreds of millions of naira in Abuja and other places. No former governor in Nigeria had left even 10 billion for his successor, but SAS left 60 billion naira coffers in the state government only to be squandered by KSM. SAS was considered “tarwama” ( one who does not want others to make “progress”) by some people because of his anti-corruption stance. 6. If SAS was interested in stealing the resources of Borno State, he would have fielded a gubernatorial candidate who would have easily surrendered the treasury to him, but instead he first opted for the straight-laced Modu Fannami Gubio. When Gubio was murdered, SAS was in tears wondering who could replace Gubio and lead the state well while “taking care of politicians”. He settled for KSM after due consultations and got him elected against all odds only to be betrayed. 7. KSM has disappointed SAS by marginalizing SAS’ associates and amassing wealth for himself and allowing his subordinates to loot the treasury. 8. It’s not true that SAS wanted KSM to be a one-term governor. Initially, at Saudi Arabia, during a lesser hajj, SAS had publicly told some people that he would support KSM for a second term because his performance was satisfactory 9. Buji Foi was not known to SAS until his local government area nominated him as a commissioner in line with SAS’s policy of asking LGA stakeholders to nominate two candidates instead of governor imposiing his preferred candidates. 10. SAS fairly distributed government houses to all sectors of the society using fair systems like balloting, while KSM gives to only his loyalists. 11. Etc., etc.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:57:09 +0000

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