A CALL TO ACTION!!! NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD PEOPLE TO COME TO THE AID OF OUR COUNTRY!!! Facts: Our fundamental rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution are being dissolved away by a sinister group who believe that they have a greater right to govern than do the citizens of this country. As a prime example, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law at the end of 2011 by President Obama!) permits the revocation of almost every individual right provided by the U.S. Constitution. A federal judge in the southern district of New York has declared the NDAA to be unconstitutional. In our hearts, guts, and minds we know that this is true. However, this ruling only applies within the southern federal district of New York. We are all entitled to this same protection. Constitutional scholars claim that if the American people do not let it be known that we oppose this usurpation of our rights by such “national security measures” as the NDAA, the “Patriot” Act, Homeland Security, and NSA illegal spying on all citizens, etc., that this constitutes proof of our citizenry’s acquiescence and acceptance! Taking Action: Looked at from a broader perspective, one definition of a “patriot” is a person who will protect the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Therefore We the People are suggesting that we start at the grassroots level by inviting our families, friends, and trusted associates to join together to protect the U.S. Constitution and thereby our individual liberties. We will begin at the local and county levels, then districts, and eventually at the state level to establish “ CONSTITUTION PROTECTION ZONES”. Any person who will not come to the aid of our country now cannot be counted on and if they are holding any public office they must be voted out. This defining constitutional issue is drawing the proverbial “line in the sand!” Additional points: * Do not count on change coming from the federal government. President Obama has been a good lesson in this regard. We the people must do this ourselves. Our form of government is a “republic,” which means that the power moves from the bottom up, from we the people or “public” rather than from the top down, from the elite. *The bad guys are extremely skilled at manipulation of the leaders. They “get the dirt” on everyone and then utilize the “3 B’s”: blackmail, bribery, and bullets. In order to thwart these 3B’s, we recommend: (1) practice telling the truth, (2) remember that no amount of money or power is worth going against what we know is right, and (3) recall the motto, “Give me liberty or give me death.” * Be wary of large group involvement with folks you do not know well. Such groups are vulnerable to being infiltrated and misdirected. The bad guys would like to have reason to undertake massive citizen arrests and utilize martial law. *Keep focused on this main issue of protecting our constitutional rights and avoid getting sidetracked with any other issues. “Divide and conquer” is an age-old ploy of the bad guys. Our approach is unity. Remember, “We the people, in order to form a more perfect UNION. . .” regardless of religion, gender, political party, ethnic group, etc., etc. * Remember that this is a peaceful movement out of love for our country and our families. Our actions are for the patriotic protection of our most basic American rights: “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” those inalienable rights our fore-parents fought for. It has been disheartening to feel so helpless in the face of the sinister, but unfortunately, brilliantly designed, social programming of those who are eroding our fundamental American rights. We believe creating “Constitutional Protection Zones” will allow non-violent effective grassroots action where everyone can find their appropriate level of involvement. We highly recommend reading The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer by Daniel Sheehan. It provides the in-depth historical background regarding our current Olympian struggle and clarifies what we are up against right now. The book is impossible to put down. It is a great read, compelling and inspiring, and is also an excellent training manual for us in implementing our local “Freedom Zones”! The water is getting very hot and uncomfortable, Time to jump out of the pan, fellow frogs! The time is Now! Sincerely, We the People
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:12:42 +0000

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