**** A CALL TO CONSCIENCE OF TRUE HUMAN BEINGS OF EARTH *** By Javier V. Maldonado, Lima-Peru. Nov 20th, 2014 = = = NASA WARNS MAJOR DROUGHTS THREATEN FOOD SUPPLY, GLOBAL SECURITY! DAHBOO77 https://youtube/watch?v=KojjfWu8F74 GLOBAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN – ONE OF THE BEST FINANCIAL CRISIS DOCUMENTARY FILMS Rebel Mystic https://youtube/watch?v=VQzEWeGJLP0 KARUNESH - CALL OF THE MYSTIC (BEAUTIFUL RELAXATION MUSIC) [FULL ALBUM + TRACKLIST] My Happy Week https://youtube/watch?v=waldWijiQDs STORYS THE SAME (CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN) By Jimmy D. Lane and Bevalee Butler-Lane JBAndOurCrew https://youtube/watch?v=8U2cAHVzEWQ THE COVERT ORIGINS OF ISIS StormCloudsGathering https://youtube/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI STOP VIOLENCE AND CRIMES AGAINST OUR BELOVED INNOCENT AND DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN! STOP WARS ON TERROR ON OUR BELOVED INNOCENT AND DEFENSELESS HUMAN NATIONS OF EARTH! TRUE FACES OF WAR BePeaceful https://youtube/watch?v=WRfUEiOtDuY = = = Dear Friends and Terrestrial Human Beings: How longer will you, Human BEING of the Earth, still continue allowing to a group of heartless, miserable and cowardly gangster-criminals, - without scrupulous, without brain and without consciousness-, as the “Powerful Elites or NWO-Evil Empire” on Earth: THE JESUITS ORDER (CFR, FED)-CIA-U.S. STATE and the Criminal State of Israel-MOSSAD, and their mercenaries (Marines, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, etc.) and / or allies (EU-NATO), and other irrational, criminal and abusive men on Earth; all of them continue evildoing, perpetrating worst inhuman atrocities, violence, exploitation and crimes against our innocent and defenseless children, women, men and defenseless creatures on this planet? IN THE NAME OF FALSE AND IMAGINARY GODS AND ITS FALSE TEACHINGS the religions and its sects, and their insane, irrational, coward, fanatical and criminal “followers” and mercenaries, all of them have committed and are committing worst atrocities and human less crimes, genocides, murders, tortures, abuses, exploitation, enslaving, plunders, wars on terror, rapes, ravishments against and over our beloved innocent and defenseless children, women, men and living creatures on this planet. Along these last 13,500 years of Inhumanity, Violence, Crimes, Barbarity, Greed, Ignorance, Insanity and Destruction of Life on Earth’s History. THE HUMAN LIFE SYSTEM ESTABLISHED ON THIS PLANET, it is insane, unnatural, criminal, depraved, degenerated and self-destructive. And this is based on insatiable greed for power and profit, no matter what, no matter whom. Only benefit to its creators, a few group of insane and criminal people, - the “Powerful Elites” - and to their bunch, court of sycophants, yes-men, bootlickers, toady, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel, doormat, stooge, cringers and ass-suckers, or to put it in a nutshell its “allies”. The current and present Political and Economic System Established on Earth has broken THE NATURAL PROCESS OF HUMAN LIFE ON UNIVERSE, and therefore it is taking to Terrestrial mankind to its own destruction and with them destruction of Life on this beautiful home planet. So every single human BEING on this world must be conscious about the FACT and consequence that man and woman of this planet should not wait anything good from this insane, depraved and mad “System of Life”. And the most controversial and stupid thing and fact is that the regular and common Human BEING on this planet, he or she “believes” that this crazy, destructive and elitist “Political and Economic System of Earth”, it is “A TRULY DEMOCRATIC AND FAIR SYSTEM”. This is absolutely absurd and illogical. Because a system of life based solely on greed for power and profit of a few despite of great human masses on Earth, and to this system does care a shit if life itself goes to total destruction. It is not valuable, worth anything, and you, Human BEING of Earth, should expect the worst of this erratic and materialistic Human System of Life for you, your family and to every single living creature over this world. The current terrestrial CRISIS, it is not a POLITICAL & ECONOMIC nor ENERGY CRISIS. IT IS A MASSIVE HUMAN CRISIS OF IGNORANCE & STUPIDITY!! Because the people who is in charge of power and responsibility in every single Terrestrial Nation is the worst and most stupid, depraved and degenerated Human BEING. So, what do you, Terrestrial Human People, wait from these insane and nonsense people? Meanwhile these kinds of out-minded and weak-minded “elegant and nice” people be in power and responsibility of Earth Humankind future mankind and “wellbeing” decisions you will be in serious troubles. Also, because your insane and greedy governors-leaders and rulers along these last 2,000 years on this planet only have promoted ignorance and stupidity among you, the Human Nations on Earth. And the correct and righteous process to amend this kind of “Human Life System of Earth” must beginning to put in charge of power and responsibility to the wise and righteous Human BEINGS who are among of Human Nations of this world. Also, this process of correction should be reverted only respecting the LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS OF CREATION, which is not negotiable at all. EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET MUST KNOW AND BE CONSCIOUS ABOUT the FACT and REALITY that He and She, YOU, are Spiritual BEINGS in a Human Material Journey to gain experience in order to EVOLVE your CONSCIOUSNESS BLOCK and to Strength your SPIRITUAL POWER. On the path, endless way, to merge with true mother, origin and end, THE CREATION. Therefore you must, you are obliged to RESPECT and PROTECT to every single FORM OF LIFE on Earth and Universe, no matter what, no matter whom. When you begin to feel this and beat in your HEART the TRUE LOVE & WISDOM - only and only then - you will be ready to take really the positions of power and responsibility to make from this world a real PARADISE, - inside and outside. BLESSED BE THE CREATION, which fragment of her Spiritual Energy and Power enlivens in each of you! You, Human BEING of the Earth, you have the power to stop and change for the good course of these destructive events, with the POWER OF THOUGHT AND YOUR WILL. A power that you still do not know consciously. Because you live blinded of consciousness, - because the false religious dogmas and its false teachings that have made from you a human-entity without consciousness, an automaton, demented believer who is destroying his own stellar mother-ship, the Earth, and to her innocent creatures. You could not even warn about the True Truth, until now. Dont you? You, Human BEING of the Earth, have to BE CONSCIOUS that you, in your deepest and truest BEING, there is laying the greatest treasure to be found in WHOLE UNIVERSE. Treasury, the most precious pearl, which is the source of all large and most beautiful things in the Universe: TRUE LOVE, WISDOM AND THE TRUE TRUTH. That treasure we all seek; which is your TRUE SELF BEING, YOUR SPIRIT, WHICH IS A FRAGMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL POWER OF CREATION, in ourselves. This same SPIRIT OF CREATION is in every living being in the entire Universe. Therefore, you, Human BEING of the Earth, must learn to respect, defend and protect every creature, living being around you, in all places and circumstances. Because unlike the other creatures of Creation, you have been entrusted to be the SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP AND CONSCIOUSNESS (MORAL) BEACON, THROUGH YOUR WISDOM, LOVE which lives and beats IN YOUR HEART AND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Because, you, Human BEING of the Earth, are the proof of the most beautiful Creation of THE CREATION itself, which is living and growing in your innermost self BEING. So once you read these lines of wisdom, you must put aside your selfishness - your materialistic lifestyle-, your dependence on your EGO, and henceforth live according to your CONSCIOUSNESS, YOUR LOVE AND WISDOM THAT LIVES IN YOURSELF. Because you allied with the POWER OF THOUGHT AND YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER, which has been given to you, Human BEING of the Earth, and attached to your intimate BEING, YOUR SPIRIT - indwelling yourself-, you are able to PROCREATE LIFE , and to CREATE EVERYTHING. You, Man from Earth, must recognize and learn to respect, defend and protect all WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN, because the WOMAN IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND BLESSED CREATURE that has ever been created in the entire Universe. * * * * * * * You, Human BEING of the Earth, man and woman, have to BE conscious about the biggest problem that is facing LIFE on Earth today, 2014, is: The monstrous and unstoppable HUMAN OVER-POPULATION OF THE EARTH and its destructive and disastrous consequences for the survival and the natural balance of life on this beautiful blue planet, our Mother Earth and her innocent creatures. Evil consequences that increase exponentially, social conflicts and wars, as well, THE DESTRUCTION OF CLIMATE (GLOBAL WARMING), whose very next-and-close event, disaster-end effect will be the TOTAL COLLAPSE OF OXYGEN, OF TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERE, AND IMMEDIATE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF LIFE ON EARTH; if you, as a true human BEING of Creation, do not take your true responsibility and duty for and with our own BELOVED stellar mother ship, The Earth and the LIFE of her innocent creatures, that inhabit it; taking YOUR own SELF decision to immediately implement a strict birth control worldwide, for the next 800 years until the natural balance of the human being and the earth itself, is restored naturally and spontaneously by the Earth itself. Because that is the Law of Creation, without any questions, any doubt. The right for Survival of Life on Earth, removes any so called private rights and of the individual to reproduce-procreate new human life forms, in an uncontrollably and / or at your free will way. Not anymore! THE HUMAN OVER-POPULATION has exceeded more than 16 times the natural, balanced and healthy capacity to sustain HUMAN LIFE on this planet, which is not more than 540 million humans. We have criminally and irresponsibly way over-populated our beloved planet Earth, currently at 2014; there are more than 8,200 million people. And even more so considering the IRRESPONSIBLE AND ABUSIVE CRIMINAL ATTITUDE, of the HYPOCRITES AND CYNICAL GOVERNMENTS OF THIS PLANET, and their very civilized organization that unites them: UN. All of them, those who are not able to give AWARNESS and GLOBALLY KNOW about this serious problem regards to LIFE in our PLANET EARTH, and for her INNOCENT and defenseless creatures, including human beings on Earth. We live in a BIOSPHER, which can no longer grow; on the contrary, we are destroying it thru our wrong and stupid economic-political system of life. Which goes against the Natural Laws, because our Terrestrial System of Life is based on greed for profit and power, dominated by the Ego, which has become to be the most terrible selfishness in every human being Earth. To the extent that we no longer care to destroy life itself on the planet Earth, due to our stupid and degenerate desires to live in a very comfortable material-life, full of pleasures and vices, a greedy material well-being for the few, at the expense of hunger, suffering and enslavement the vast majority of humanity on Earth. • 20 out of every 100 people on Earth suffer from hunger and living in extreme poverty. • 78.9 out of 100 people live below human standards of living, barely surviving. • Only 1 in every 100 people on Earth lives in a truly human level, but without frills or hype. • And, only 0.1 of every 100 people live in a very comfortable and luxurious material life. Then there is understandable and reasonable purpose to change for the good. It does not make sense, to continue defending this untouchable Political and Economic System of Life. Which governs mankind on this planet; it makes no sense, to continue living there. Because it only benefits to less than 1% of world population on Earth. And most unfortunate and criminal of this is that the current POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THE EARTH is sweeping and destroying life itself on Earth. Because this just based on the illogical, erroneous, inhuman and unnatural terrestrial human lifestyle. And to top it all, the vast majority of states & governments of Earth are led and governed by the most stupid, destructive, evil and depraved people ... then it is not logical to expect anything good from them. ¡Namaste! Beloved friends and terrestrial humans, Javier V. Maldonado, Lima-Peru = = = The earth is designed to be guided by wisdom; then the ignorance and poverty of conscience will disappear, so love and peace and harmony will flourish.” - Dr. DIETMAR ROTHE. = = = “Do not swallow your pride (EGO), Spit it out and then experience The true freedom.” SAS-LEON KING = = = “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty And truth and compassion against injustice and Lying and greed. If people all over the world would Do this, it would change the earth.” WILLIAM FAULKNER = = = “Use your Voice for Kindness, Use your Ears for Compassion, Use your Hands for Charity, Use your Mind for Truth, Use your Powerful Thoughts For realization of goodness, and Use your Heart for Love.” = = = JMMANUEL TJ 10:44 says: I HAVE NOT REALLY COME TO BRING PEACE, BUT TO BRING THE SWORD OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH LIVES INSIDE OF THE HUMAN BEINGS. THERE IS NOT LIGHT LIKE WISDOM, THERE IS NOT DARKNESS LIKE IGNORANCE, THERE IS NOT POWER LIKE THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT THERE IS NOT TERROR LIKE POVERTY OF CONSCIOUSNESS. TJ 26:27. JMMANUEL THE 5TH. GREAT PROPHET OF THE TRUTH! Taken from the TALMUD JMMANUEL, written by BILLY MEIER (JMMANUEL, better known by most of you with his false name of Jesus) FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = = * * * * * * * WE ARE ONE - NAMASTE Michael https://youtube/watch?v=dk7knx29T94 = = = THE OM BOOK (The Book of Truth of Life). CANON 32:58, Written by Billy, the 7th Great Prophet of Truth! Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge. 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. IF THERE ARE NO MIGHTY ONES, RATHER ONLY SPIRIT LEADERS AMONG THE PEOPLE, THEN THE HUMAN OF THE EARTH LIVES INWARDLY AND OUTWARDLY IN TRUE PARADISE. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. BILLY MEIER, The New Age Prophet of Truth! FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = BILLY MEIER PREDICTION - JOHN PAUL 1 MURDERER RhalZahi https://youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE JESUIT ORDER - UNITED STATES UNDER SIEGE - VATICAN NAZIS ReligiousMatrix https://youtube/watch?v=bu6UY7KRHYs “RELIGIONS AND SECTS correspond to organizations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org = = = THE CASE OF MR. BILLY MEIER f Switzerland FIGU.org, TheyFly, is the most important case or human event of Earth History. And unfortunately, it is simultaneously the most censored and suppressed case from the web by the Power Elites who disastrously rule this world = = = MR. BILLY MEIER, his mission, writings, wisdom and knowledge are fully supported by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado, from Lima, Peru. **** NAMASTE, THE BEST OF ME SALUTES YOU! “Namaste is not just a simple word. It is the recognition from the more advanced human beings of Earth, in consciousness and spiritual power, that consciously and reasonably way, we have found the true path of our lives on this planet, our Mother Earth. An honest, generous and fraternal greeting from and to anyone who recognizes the equality of all living creatures on Earth and in the Universe. A sincere salute of Every Human BEING on Earth, thru his heart, conscience, and who lives and vibrates in True Love and Wisdom of Creation, that unites us. Blessed be the Creation, which has given us the conscious power of Love, Wisdom and True Truth that unites our minds and Spiritual BEING Power, in ourselves. Namaste! NAMASTE! • The best of me salutes you. • I see the good in you. Because I know the good in me. • I greet that place where you and I are one. • I honor the spirit in you which is also in me. • My higher power bow to your higher power. • I love your inner truth (not referring to you as an ego). • The spirit in me is identified with the spirit present in you. • My greeting recognizes the equality of all. And honors the sacredness and interconnection of all, As well as the source of that union. • I honor that place in you where the entire universe dwells, I honor that place in you that is a place of love, truth, light. And I know that when you are in That place within you, And I am in that place in me, You and I are one. • Blessed are you and your spirit, Because you and I are the unit, Universal Consciousness! • I love you with the wisdom of The spirit that dwells in you and me. • I honor the beauty and wisdom That dwells in your being, Because I live in your love and I feel like my being Your life and consciousness. • The Creation that dwells in you Enlivens and refuels My spirit and my conscience, Makes us stronger and wiser, Because you and I are oneself being, • Your eyes and heart see and appreciate The love and beauty that exists within us, Which is expressed in the entire universe. • You and your spirit are welcome, Our being and glory of our spirit, THE CREATION is! Mr. Javier V. Maldonado, Lima, Peru = = = ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE HUMANKIND ON EARTH & DERN UNIVERSE UNIVERSAL HUMAN EVOLUTION, by Mr. Javier V. Maldonado https://facebook/pages/Universal-Human-Evolution/171222086321960 An Educational Website of Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe, 1008 El Calistemo St., Urb. Las Palmeras. Los Olivos. Lima-39. Peru Direct Mobile phone: (0051) 9970 24 006 (24 Hours) Email: javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail LIMA-PERÚ. Top-important links-source of wisdom: FIGU.org, TheyFly futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 00:38:41 +0000

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