A CALL TO REMEMBER!! BE A PART OF A MILLION VOICES!!! As a youth leader of Liberia and Africa, I call on everyone (local, national and regional leaders, youths, children, religious leaders, etc) to add their voices to the MILLION VOICES to REMEMBER the lives lost in the GENOCIDE against the TUSI in RWANDA in 1994 to show support for survivors, and join with RWANDANS and friends from around the world to work for a brighter future, sustainable peace and commitment to fighting prejudice wherever it exists. As part of KWIBUKI-20 International activities this year to mark the 20th Commemoration of the GENOCIDE against the TUSI, I am pleased to invite all human rights leaders, youth leaders in Africa and around the world to join our African brothers and sisters on April 7, 2014 for a WALK TO REMEMBER. I also call on you all to join a GLOBAL WALK TO REMEMBER by sending power peace messages and messages against atrocities that you remember the victims of the 1994 GENOCIDE and committed to fighting prejudice wherever it exists. Here are a few tips for joining an event or organizing your own: Visit kwibuka.rw to join a WALK TO TEMEMBER or organize your own Register you WALK on the event page of the Kwibuka20 website. Promote your event on FaceBook and Twitter by downloading posters and flyers or uploading your own for others to share with friends. Visit the kwibku20 Youth Hub to find materials and resources to help you share the meaning of the WALK-REMEMBERING the past and building a more peaceful future. Check if you need permission from your local authorities to organize a WALK TO REMEMBER where you live. Tell local media about what you have planned so that they are able to support and promote your event. Upload photos and videos from your event to kwibuka.rw and share on social media with #Kwibuka20 and #W2R2014 hash tags. The twentieth commemoration of the GENOCIDE against the TUSI is an important occasion to remember the lives that were lost and unite to ensure it never happen again-in Rwanda or elsewhere. Being part of a WALK TO REMEMBER is one way of doing just that. Another interest aspect of the WALK TO REMEMBER EVENT is the BLOG POST COMPETITION. The Kwibuka20 Blog Post Competition is a chance for young people to explore issues of genocide, atrocity prevention, conflict and peace-building and show the world the discussions that are talking place in the global community. You can answer one of the three questions, each related to part of the Kwibuka20 theme: REMEMBER, UNIT, RENIEW. Entries will be judged by a panel of experts on genocide prevention and the international media. Winners will be published in the international press and alongside shortlisted entries in the inaugural edition of the Generation for Change journal, OUR VOICE. 1. Why is it important to remember the 1994 Genocide against the TUSI and mass atrocities elsewhere? 2. How can we tackle division and prejudice, and unite around our shared humanity? 3. How can societies rebuild and renew after state sponsored discrimination, hate and conflict. Judges are looking for sophisticated analytical skills, coherent arguments and interesting debate, entries should be between 1000 and 2000 words, and can be submitted in English, French or Kinyarwanda. Entries close on March 31, 2014, don’t forget to read the rules and guidelines carefully before submitted your entry, visit kwibuka.rw for more information.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:07:12 +0000

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