A CANDID ADVICE TO MY YOUNG GIRLS: With all SINCERITY Young girls, you truly look PRETTY But i have to warn you not to loose your VIRGINITY. Dont allow what you see in your VICINITY To break your wall of SECURITY.. Your VIRGINITY is your DIGNITY, Protect it and make it your number One PRIORITY. Dont allow error of PROXIMITY to lead you into IMMORALITY. Some of your friends call youMINORITY Bcause you dont follow their PARTY OF MAJORITY, They show off their body as PUBLICITY for money And also committing ATROCITY.. Now you are feeling PITY for yourself and a sense of INSECURITY, And thinking of embracing their INSANITY. But listen to me dear, Dont listen to them Because all is VANITY upon VANITY My Sweety With Baba GOD the ruler of ETERNITY you have a true IDENTITY And you are covered by divine IMMUNITY. Leave them to PARTY in their IRASCIBILITY Because in REALITY The end is CALAMITY. They will also become HIV CASUALTY. If you have lost ur VIRGINITY already, Dont worry, GOD can still give you a new IDENTITY. HIS DIVINITY will help your HUMILITY But you have to stop all IMMORALITY So that you can get access into the beautiful CITY prepared by the Almighty...... Please dont Loose your INTEGRITY And Bring Shame To The GODOf INFINITY. I rest my case With all Honesty.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:23:52 +0000

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