A CANDID RESPONSE TO GEORGE WEAH: My family,friends and - TopicsExpress


A CANDID RESPONSE TO GEORGE WEAH: My family,friends and compatriots have been asking me concerning a stinging attack on my person on the social network by one Prince Michael.He linked me to huge financial improprieties and mismanagement at Kings FM/Clar TV during my 1 year four months stay at the institution. THE CHARACTER PRINCE MICHAEL: Prince Michael was first known as Prince Nabil in Ghana,has 4 kids and married a banker for what she had, abandoning his kids’ mom.He went at Weah’s invitation to USA along with Cyrus McGee to attend Weah’s Devry graduation and has never returned. He’s currently working on papers to stay,does he have integrity? I leave that with you the readers to judge… NOW TO HIS SENDER: I was the 6th of several other managers to head Kings FM.George Weah,with a belief in nepotism had kept his nephew Uriah Snoh Torborg there for four years,he was an AMEU drop out.He mismanaged the business so severely that LEC was cut off with a debt ceiling at 5000,USD( C Wreh Brapo,now u can bear the witness as an LEC authority whom I talked to along with Dr.Marvin Davis Sr), rental cost for the building at 37,500 USD( AMINATA FILLING STATION CONTROLS THE PREMISES FOR ANY REFERENCE),employees had not taken pay for six months, air-conditional non-functional and television off the air for approximately two years( It was restored during my tenure). Who would have thought that in a year four months I performed as such: payoff all the employees at approximately 4000 USD and re-employed,re-installed LEC, built a 120 feet antennae on top of the building at 7000 USD( Ojimba,boss of Magic FM is the witness). I personally wired through Western Union a sum of 5000 USD to Weah through an aid to have him purchase two cameras, one of which was taken for the coverage of his graduation put at 1500 USD each and a laptop. Benoni Urey,the CDC so-called friend’s Lonestar cell/MTN, terminated a contract with Kings FM after six months of the deal citing low coverage area of the station as a reason.I till date am grateful to Cellcom GSM for helping me out and coming to our aid as there was no attraction anyway. Kimmie Weeks was so instrumental as well Noosevelt Weah is this endeavor. If Cellcom left today, the entity will collapse as Weah plays no supervisory role of his business but lives on HEAR SAY. The MTN six months doing business with us,payoff Prince Michael as he got a 15% commission which was a policy of the entity though it was Atty Yvette Freeman, the Deputy CEO, a friend of the Ureys who made this happened, she resigned out of anger for my departure and left the Secretariat of George Weah Peace Ambassador as he did not visit the station regularly but listened to gossip;she got insulted by weah and George Solo for what they called ‘Siding with me’. There isn’t anything at Kings FM today that I did not take there,new air conditionals, rugs and curtains as well ice box in Weah’s personal office, new TV for the television room,a living room compartment of the station with flat screen TV,a new studio, well decorated and dedicated by Presidential Press Secretary Jerolimek Piah…Oh yes, my witneses never die!!! UNGRATEFUL WEAH: Weah has been so ungrateful to me,sending turks to misinform the public after I showed the world all was well at Kings when not even a car for the station he could afford. Maintaining our integrity at all levels to save his image, linking him to political actors to help his campaign( sooner than later these will come out) he still thinks I was not an asset. I am angry in my spirit not because I want to return to Kings FM as that job paid me 5000 LD and Weah should be ashamed that the manager of his station is paid such insignificant amount, but not having an opportunity to face my accusers and shame them to the core and ofcourse express his ingratitude to his face which I know that day will break. George Weah will be a total disappointment to this nation as he hears the side of a party and decides the fate of the other which is terrible for a leader,he could witch hunt,kill and have people disappeared on mere gossips,are we preparing another IGNORANT TYRANT! Weah has since not stopped being the true tyrant, asking people not to employ me,asking people to insult me and the rest.He should be more responsible and refine,if he had documentations that I mismanaged his business that was coming on at 9am till I raised it 24 hours it is easy to stop the proxy war and take me to court for corruption or mismanagement of his business. When did he realize I was not a good kid,after he asked me to keep attacking Edwin snowe in the press,after he asked me to stop Henry Costa from appearing on Kings FM,after he asked me to remove Tamba the Mayonnaise off the radio due to political difference they both had? Weah and his likes should understand that I am not afraid to die and if I did in any unhealthy fashion,he will be held responsible as I know he is after me for I know him especially George Solo,who never ceases to carry hate in his heart for others, yet he wants to be a leader of our nation. It will be a sad mistake Montserrado…oooo Monrovia,for the humor,yea Liberia voting for a man Like GEORGE WEAH. In the coming months I will take the ataye shops,the radios and TV in an apparent move to start the unending war.Plan your attacks but they will never come near me,for all I have shown you over the years was to treat your business like mine,support your cause and serve you well,but you have shown me the opposite. A part II of this document will be THE OTHER SIDE OF WEAH…HOW WE GOT DIVIDED SOCIALLY….
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:38:09 +0000

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