A CHALLENGE TO THE CHRISTIAN HEALTH WORKERS It is exactly 10:58p.m. I just finished watching Channels News. As usual, several happenings in Nigeria and the foreign scene. After listening to such stories as Ebola outbreak and the 139 Nigerian under watch, Israel and the Gaza fight, U.S. attack on Iraq and the W.H.O. emergency meeting with Ebola outbreak as the top on the list of discussions. I came back with a submission “it’s a terrible day for the whole world”. I didn’t arrive at this conclusion in one sitting, having observed the happenings on the global scene for some weeks now, I discover that sad news have made our headlines than any other story. We hear such stories as the crashed Malaysian airlines, the nowhere to be found airplane still of Malaysia. The day-to-day killings in the North, the adopted Chibok girls, Ukrainian unrest, Israel-Gaza fight. All of these brought me to the point I could say we are in the time the Bible calls ‘perilous time’. There seem to be a cry for peace everywhere. The very recent one which is Ebola outbreak is my major focus in this piece. By recent, I mean to the Nigerian community. Actually, before the first case was recorded in Nigeria, I’ve followed the situation in Liberia, Sierra-Leone and Guinea. I didn’t know it will be a subject matter for us in Nigeria any time soon until the US-Liberian, late Patrick Sawyer incidence and then the Nigerian Nurse, as at the last count. 9 Nigerians are infected and 139 under surveillance (according to the Federal Government of Nigeria). The disease is fast spreading so much that there are several rumours about a possible cure. Some talked of bitter-Kola, some the use of salt solution for bath. Indeed this is an emergency as several world leaders have started discussing measures to cure this killing and deadly virus. Scientists have gone to the laboratory in search of solutions. W.H.O. has earmarked certain sum as an intervention scheme against this outbreak. Even Nigeria government has just set aside a fund for the procurement of materials that will be needed in the quarantine ward. Different states have started a public campaign against hugging and handshakes as a measure to check the spread. Can we see that if God does not stop this for us anytime soon, the whole world is in serious trouble? Presently, the world system has no vaccines against this disease and there is a call for volunteers, health workers. At the moment, several health workers in Liberia are pulling out of the profession for fear of this dangerous demon explained with medical jargons-Ebola virus. Actually, I’m not an Health Worker but I’ve been asking myself several questions to which I do not know what the reactions of health workers will be, when the strike is finally called off. WOULD WE HAVE SUFFICIENT HEALTH WORKERS RESPONDING TO THIS CALL FOR HELP AT THIS TIME IN OUR NATION? HOW MANY OF THESE WOULD BE BELIEVERS WHO SEES THEIR MEDICAL PROFESSION AS A MISSION FIELD WHERE THEIR LIGHT SHOULD SHINE AND MEN SEE THEIR GOOD WORK AND GIVE GLORY TO GOD? This outbreak of Ebola is an issue of life and death. Only God knows how long it will take those in the laboratory to come up with a cure to this disease. If those infected are left to die, the question is HOW MANY OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE A HOPE OF ETERNITY? Who else is better positioned to reach these ones at a time as this if not for treatment reasons (since they said the cure is not yet in place) but at least to tell them of Jesus? Who knows maybe their belief in Jesus can turn their health around? Could it be that God is offering us a privilege to be responsible health workers? I don’t think God will watch the whole world ruined with this plague. I don’t think He will leave us in the dark without a solution. I think we’ll find the solution anytime soon. I think even if we fail to rise up at a time as this, God will yet raise help for Nigeria and the world at large from another source and we’ll be saved but those who should have by this register their name in God’s record as one of those who took care of the Lord when He was sick (Matthew 25:36) would have missed the opportunity. By the time all these will be over, how many health workers will still be health workers indeed? Esther said if I perish I perish. If I die in obedience to the great commission, so be it. After all what am I living for if not for Jesus? Eventually, Esther did not die; she was used of God to bring transformation. To the body of Christ, let’s go and hold a fast and pray for the several Esthers who will rise up to this challenge. Read Esther 4:12-17. (Written by a brother-in-Christ).
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:48:27 +0000

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